The Permanent Forum recommends that States establish, where it does not already exist, a national dialogue with indigenous peoples on human rights, based on the Declaration.
The Permanent Forum recommends that staff in country offices as well as those who work on specific countries from their own headquarters ensure the full participation of indigenous peoples in conducting evaluations under the United Nations Development Assistance Framework, as recommended in the 2004 framework.
The Forum recommends strengthening the mechanisms for collaboration with United Nations agencies and Governments, and monitoring compliance with and the implementation of its recommendations made to United Nations agencies and Governments.
The Permanent Forum encourages the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Human Rights Council to continue the process of addressing rights related to treaties and agreements between indigenous peoples and the United States and Canada, including through the consideration and implementation of the recommendations resulting from the first two United Nations treaty seminars, held in 2003 and 2006, and by taking steps to hold a third seminar, as mandated by the Economic and Social Council, and urges the Expert Mechanism to advance the work on treaties.
While the concept of indigenous peoples in Africa has been conceptualized and adopted by African Union bodies, including at the Heads of State summits, there remains a need to raise awareness of indigenous peoples on the continent and for robust and effective measures, including legislative measures, to ensure recognition of and respect for their human rights. Likewise, while the rights of indigenous peoples have been supported in African courts and in decisions by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, gaps in implementation remain widespread. The Permanent Forum urges the concerned States to implement the decision of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, including in the Endorois case; the order of provisional measures of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights in the Ogiek case; and the decision of the High Court of Botswana in the case concerning the Kalahari Game Reserve. These cases are important because they contribute to the development of jurisprudence on the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
The Permanent Forum recommends that relevant States with indigenous peoples invite the Special Rapporteur on the situation of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples to undertake country visits. The Special Rapporteur should give priority to invitations from those countries where indigenous peoples have expressed concerns about their capacity to fully enjoy and freely exercise their human rights.
The Permanent Forum invites the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights
Council on the situation of human rights defenders to prepare a study on the drivers
of attacks against indigenous human rights defenders in business contexts and invites
the Special Rapporteur to share information on progress with the Permanent Forum
at its twenty-second session, to be held in 2023.
The Permanent Forum recommends that Member States take measures to advance indigenous women’s right to intercultural health through its inclusion in legal frameworks and public policies, as well as programmes to guarantee culturally, geographically and financially appropriate health and social services.
The Forum urges States, the United Nations system, international financial institutions, international and regional trade bodies (such as the World Trade Organization, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and the Common Market of the South) to undertake social and human rights impact assessments of the globalization and liberalization of trade and investments on indigenous peoples' poverty situation
The Permanent Forum recommends that OHCHR and UNDP continue their work in support of national human rights institutions and focus on capacity development support to promote and protect indigenous peoples’ rights.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the fact that United Nations entities and bodies, including mandate holders and, notably, OHCHR and the United Nations Environment Programme, take their share of the responsibility to ensure a safe space for Indigenous Peoples participating in United Nations meetings. The Permanent Forum requests that United Nations bodies and entities create an urgent response mechanism to acts of intimidation and reprisals against Indigenous human rights defenders cooperating with the United Nations, in line with existing United Nations guidance on protection and promotion of civic space and the Secretary-General’s Call to Action for Human Rights. The Permanent Forum will consider how to strengthen its own response mechanisms and its cooperation with the Assistant SecretaryGeneral for Human Rights, in line with General Assembly resolution 77/203, on this pressing matter, including through the appointment of focal points.
The Forum wishes to express its appreciation to the Special Rapporteur on the situation of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples for his participation at the second session of the Forum and for his important contribution thereto. The Forum invites the Special Rapporteur to participate annually at its sessions and to inform the Forum on his work in accordance with his mandate.