The traditional food systems of indigenous peoples depend on a healthy environment and access to traditional resources and play an important role in maintaining the communities’ cultures and identities and their health and well-being. The Permanent Forum encourages indigenous peoples, States, United Nations entities and civil society organizations to raise awareness and promote the food cultures of indigenous peoples through support for indigenous peoples’ food systems and unconditional access to traditional resources.
The Permanent Forum recalls that, in the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, Member States committed to “developing, in conjunction with the Indigenous Peoples concerned, fair transparent and effective mechanisms for … repatriation of ceremonial objects and human remains at the national and international levels”. The Forum urges United Nations entities to accurately identify affected Indigenous Peoples and provide them with advance notice and applicable timelines for both identification and repatriation so that Indigenous Peoples can request the repatriation of their ancestral remains, cultural patrimony and sacred objects.
The Permanent Forum encourages all States to endorse the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, considering the need to protect and enhance indigenous peoples’ distinct identities and cultural institutions, philosophies and world views, customary laws, indigenous political governance and justice systems, indigenous knowledge systems and sustainable traditional livelihoods and other economic systems, as well as to rebuild in urban centres the cultures and communities of indigenous peoples displaced from their traditional territories. The Forum calls upon States to build on good practices to ensure, safeguard and protect indigenous knowledge and intangible heritage and to promote indigenous peoples’ cultural expressions.
The Permanent Forum recommends that States, the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations provide political, institutional and, in accordance with article 42 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, financial support to the efforts of indigenous peoples so that they may consolidate their own development models and concepts and practices of living well (for example sumak kawsay, suma qamaña, laman laka, gawis ay biag), which are underpinned by their indigenous cosmologies, philosophies, values, cultures and identities, as well as link efforts to implement the Declaration.
The Permanent Forum recalls the recommendation contained in paragraph 39 of its report on its sixteenth session, in which States were encouraged to continue to cooperate with indigenous peoples to develop fair, transparent and effective mechanisms for the repatriation of ceremonial objects and human remains at the national and international levels.
Effective access to justice for indigenous peoples implies access to both the State legal system and their own systems of justice. Without accessible State courts or other legal mechanisms through which they can protect their rights, indigenous peoples become vulnerable to actions that threaten their lands, natural resources, cultures, sacred sites and livelihoods. Concurrently, the recognition of indigenous peoples’ own justice systems is pivotal in ensuring their rights to maintain their autonomy, culture and traditions.
All United Nations systems organizations should recognize that indigenous cultures are intrinsically connected to indigenous peoples’ traditional territories (lands, waters and natural resources).
The Permanent Forum recommends that States formally recognize shifting cultivation as a traditional occupation for indigenous peoples that is closely related to their social and cultural identity and integrity and take effective measures to stop all discriminatory acts targeted at indigenous peoples’ practice of shifting cultivation in line with the provisions of ILO Conventions Nos. 169 and 111, ILO Recommendation No. 104 and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, including through the delineation and the titling of the territories and lands concerned.
The Forum recommends that UNIFEM, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization and UNDP support the first-world fair of indigenous women art makers, to be held in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, in April 2006, promoted by indigenous peoples from the north of Mexico.
The Forum notes that indigenous peoples are increasingly confronted with issues and problems related to more urban characteristics, such as access to adequate housing, services and infrastructure in human settlements. It therefore invites Governments and local authorities to adopt policies and take necessary measures to meet the changing needs of indigenous peoples within the global process of the urban/rural dynamics and continuum. The Forum also recommends that United Nations agencies, funds and programmes increase their focus on this global trend and take actions in their respective areas of work so as to positively affect indigenous peoples. It recommends that the United Nations system, especially the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, submit a report on policies and programmes in this area to the Forum, and to participate in a dialogue with the Forum at its third session.
The Forum recommends that UNESCO, other cultural institutions and academic institutions:
(a) Recognize and document the diversity of gender relations in indigenous communities based on active community input and participation;
(b) Examine and document women’s spheres of power in indigenous societies, taking into account traditional mechanisms of gender definition and distinction (e.g., pollution/purity, gender-specific roles in ritual, gendered division of labour);
(c) Examine and document the instrumental role of women in indigenous societies as the custodians of sacred knowledge and power, and as medical specialists;
(d) Highlight and give recognition to women’s instrumental roles in indigenous societies as educators, healers and ritual specialists;
(e) Highlight indigenous women’s traditional skills, arts and crafts and publicize them through the media, cultural institutions etc.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the interest expressed at the interactive dialogue on the follow-up to the World Conference held by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs on 22 April 2015, in which States and indigenous peoples stressed the importance of repatriating ceremonial objects and human remains. The Forum therefore recommends that States and indigenous peoples establish a working group to prepare a manual of good practice with regard to the repatriation of ceremonial objects and human remains, with the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and other United Nations entities, and submit a progress report to the Forum at its fifteenth session.