The United Nations system is encouraged to support the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals at the national and local levels.
The Permanent Forum calls on ILO to provide more information in the future on the status and trends in the practice of traditional occupations.
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues takes account of the diversity of national experience with surveys, censuses and other data and information-collection systems as applied to indigenous peoples, and in view of the urgent need for disaggregated data on indigenous peoples within all of the mandated areas for developing and streamlining the policies and guidelines of the work of United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, and also in view of the complexities of producing coherent data, reiterates the recommendation made at its first session to organize a workshop on the subject, and recommends that the Economic and Social Council adopt draft decision 1 contained in chapter I, section A, of the present report.