The Permanent Forum calls upon the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP and other entities of the United Nations system to develop programmes and projects that support and build the capacity of indigenous women in Africa in order to empower them economically and socially. A good practice in this regard is strengthening the entrepreneurship of indigenous women and facilitating their access to formal markets and financial institutions for their activities. The Forum also encourages States to develop affirmative actions that are aimed at actively including indigenous women in decision-making at all levels and at ensuring that indigenous women’s voices are equally represented in economic, social and political decision-making processes.
The continuing denial of indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories and resources, based upon various racist doctrines, theories and policies, including on lands occupied or otherwise used, historically and currently, by them, has led, among others, to their eviction from their lands and the erosion of their hunting and other traditional occupations and lifestyles, thereby threatening their very survival and well-being as peoples. It is necessary to ensure that bans, such as on hunting and other traditional livelihoods, do not infringe upon the rights of indigenous peoples.