The Forum recommends that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, United Nations agencies and other relevant bodies provide more funds, through appropriate means, to help indigenous peoples for education, in particular, emphasizing the importance of bilingual and inter-cultural training for indigenous persons. Such funds should be used to facilitate the educational exchanges between indigenous peoples and others in order to make contributions to the cultural diversity of the world, as well as to preserve indigenous peoples’ cultural heritage.
The Forum recommends that concerned State Governments conduct workshops, training courses and other programmes for indigenous peoples, on a regular basis, to enhance their interest in the cultural diversity of the world and thus increase awareness about preserving distinct indigenous peoples’ culture.
The Forum recommends that States rescue, foster and give publicity to the history and culture of indigenous peoples in the education systems of the world to strengthen their identity.
The Forum recommends that the Economic and Social Council encourage States, specialized bodies and the United Nations system to consider creating international indigenous universities.
Recalling paragraph 40 of its report on its sixteenth session (E/2017/43-E/C.19/2017/11), the Permanent Forum calls on Governments in the Arctic, Eastern Europe, the Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia, along with academics, to take appropriate measures to introduce the endangered languages of their regions into educational practices and include the learning of those languages in curricula at all levels of educational system, when requested by indigenous people.
The Forum recommends that States reduce the rates of illiteracy, lack of schooling, truancy and dropouts and raise the rates of completed primary education through literacy campaigns and the design of indigenous, bilingual, inter-cultural educative and extramural models in the States where indigenous peoples live.
The Forum recommends the creation and/or consolidation of academic institutions to train indigenous leaders of the world and urges public and private universities to develop curricula on indigenous peoples. The Forum furthermore exhorts the presidents of universities to promote the review of their teaching and research programmes with the objective of valuing and recognizing indigenous and inter-cultural education, and strengthening technical cooperation and the exchange of experience for the training of indigenous
The Forum recommends that UNESCO invite indigenous experts and specialists to participate in its education forums, congresses, conferences and meetings to ensure the recognition and contribution of indigenous scientific and technological knowledge.
The Forum recommends that the Special Rapporteur on the right to education pay special attention in her work to the right to education as contained in treaties, agreements, and other constructive arrangements between indigenous peoples, Nations and States.
The Forum recommends that UNESCO hold a world forum on education and indigenous peoples with the participation of indigenous peoples that would contribute, inter alia, to enriching the indigenous education concepts and the pedagogic practices.
The Forum recalls its mandate to "prepare and disseminate information on indigenous issues", and invites indigenous peoples’ organizations to consider creative ways of educating and disseminating information on the Forum to indigenous peoples’ organizations and communities, including through art, workshops, radio programmes, posters, indigenous journalism and other culturally appropriate media. To that end, the Forum recommends that the programmes, funds and agencies of the United Nations system allocate appropriate resources for this purpose, assist in the production of such materials, include indigenous professionals in the production of such materials and report to the Forum at its third session on the extent to which they have been able to incorporate these actions into their programmes of work. The Forum also recommends that the United Nations Development Fund for Women allocate funding for capacity-building in connection with the Forum and for special outreach to indigenous women. The Forum furthermore recommends that the United Nations Children’s Fund allocate funding for capacity-building in connection with the Forum and for special outreach to indigenous children and youth.