The Permanent Forum acknowledges the Ibero-American Action Plan for the Implementation of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of 2018 and the establishment of an indigenous peoples’ regional observatory, led by the Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, as a tool to measure the progress made in implementing the Declaration. In addition, the Forum encourages Member States and the United Nations system to strengthen cooperation with the Fund, considering its fundamental role in the region in processes of dialogue and consultation between States and indigenous peoples.
The Permanent Forum recognizes the importance of the signing of the Final Agreement for Ending the Conflict and Building a Stable and Lasting Peace in Colombia. The Permanent Forum urges Colombia to promote and guarantee the rights of indigenous peoples, in particular by achieving the goals and indicators set out in the “ethnic chapter” of the peace agreement. The Permanent Forum urges the Special Jurisdiction for Peace of Colombia to prioritize the conduct of a high-profile investigation to highlight the violations of the collective rights of indigenous peoples that occurred during the armed conflict and to identify the patterns and perpetrators of this violence.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the recommendation to establish a voluntary international mechanism to receive and consider communications from indigenous peoples specifically concerning their claims to, or violations of, their rights to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired. This recommendation deserves further elaboration by indigenous peoples and others concerned. The Forum takes note of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples in this regard.
The Permanent Forum commends OHCHR for conducting training sessions on the rights of indigenous peoples for its staff in a number of Asian and African countries. The Permanent Forum recommends that OHCHR continue to expand such training and capacity-building efforts for its staff, both at headquarters and in country teams in all regions.