The Permanent Forum recommends that the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism pay particular attention to the impact of national security laws and anti-terrorism laws on indigenous peoples.
The Permanent Forum encourages indigenous parliamentarians to organize a global satellite conference of indigenous representatives with the objective of analyzing as a whole the level of progress in the promotion, protection and exercise of the rights of indigenous peoples around the world within the framework of the seventh session of the Permanent Forum.
The Forum welcomes and supports the decision of the Commission on Human Rights as contained in paragraph 11 of its resolution 2003/56 of 24 April 2003 to hold a seminar on the administration of justice.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the decision of Bolivia to make the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples national law and to include it in the Constitution approved by the Constituent Assembly. The Forum expresses its support for Bolivia’s implementation of the Declaration through national laws and other means that lead towards the restitution of lands and territories to the indigenous peoples of eastern Bolivia. The Forum encourages Ecuador and Nepal to give due consideration to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in their current constitutional processes.
The Permanent Forum urges the Governments of Canada and Denmark and the government of Greenland to follow up on and implement the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur subsequent to his country visits in 2023. The Forum recommends that a human rights-based approach be taken when investigating and addressing the practices and impacts of the so-called intrauterine device campaign affecting Inuit women and adolescents in Greenland.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the fact that United Nations entities and bodies, including mandate holders and, notably, OHCHR and the United Nations Environment Programme, take their share of the responsibility to ensure a safe space for Indigenous Peoples participating in United Nations meetings. The Permanent Forum requests that United Nations bodies and entities create an urgent response mechanism to acts of intimidation and reprisals against Indigenous human rights defenders cooperating with the United Nations, in line with existing United Nations guidance on protection and promotion of civic space and the Secretary-General’s Call to Action for Human Rights. The Permanent Forum will consider how to strengthen its own response mechanisms and its cooperation with the Assistant SecretaryGeneral for Human Rights, in line with General Assembly resolution 77/203, on this pressing matter, including through the appointment of focal points.
With regard to the development of national action plans, as committed to by Member States at the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, the Permanent Forum welcomes the adoption by the Government of El Salvador of a national action plan and encourages its full and effective implementation. The Forum strongly urges other States to follow this good practice and develop their own national action plans for the full implementation of the Declaration. The Forum also encourages States to review recommendations made at past sessions, renew efforts at their implementation and report on progress made by 2021. The Forum invites the United Nations system to support the efforts of Member States in this regard.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the reports of the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, Rodolfo Stavenhagen, on the international seminars on “Constitutional Reforms, Legislation and Implementation of Laws regarding the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” held in Geneva and Tucson, Arizona, in July and October 2005, respectively (E/CN.4/2006/78/Add.5). Concerned about the status of recommendations and the implementation gap, the Permanent Forum recommends to indigenous peoples’ organizations, non-governmental organizations and interested United Nations organizations and States that they hold United Nations expert seminars regarding the implementation of the Special Rapporteur’s recommendations and request that the results of the meetings be reported to the Permanent Forum at its sixth session.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the relevant treaty bodies take into account the Declaration and urges States to include information regarding its implementation in their reports to the universal periodic review of the Human Rights Council.