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Paragraph Number: 58
Session: 5 (2006)
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The Permanent Forum is deeply concerned that the problems and discrimination facing indigenous children and youth are not reflected in the Millennium Development Goals, and it urges States and United Nations organizations to develop culturally sensitive policies, programmes and projects that fully incorporate indigenous children and youth into achieving the Goals.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth, MDGs
Paragraph Number: 93
Session: 11 (2012)
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The Permanent Forum notes that indigenous youth in the region are often forced to leave their home and lands to receive an education, which can pose an obstacle to the right to education. The Permanent Forum urges States in Central and Eastern Europe, the Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia to take measures to ensure the enjoyment of the right to education by indigenous youth. The Permanent Forum encourages States of the region to facilitate the development of indigenous peoples’ self-administration, the development of their inner potential and human resources, forming parliaments following the example of the Sami people; and decent representation of the small-numbered indigenous peoples in the bodies of legislative and executive power on all levels.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth, Human Rights
Paragraph Number: 11
Session: 11 (2012)
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The Permanent Forum recommends that States and the United Nations system, with particular attention to the activities of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), introduce indigenous youth perspectives into existing youth policies and plans, including the five-year action agenda of the Secretary-General to address health issues. In addition, there should be a distinct focus on indigenous youth by improving participation in decision-making and by introducing and including mental health services for young people, with particular efforts to address suicide among indigenous youth.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth, Health
Paragraph Number: 66
Session: 5 (2006)
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The Permanent Forum urges United Nations organizations, non-governmental organizations, States and other supportive organizations to facilitate, support and fund local, regional and international youth activities and other upcoming training workshops and forums.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth
Paragraph Number: 57
Session: 5 (2006)
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The Permanent Forum confirms its commitment to making indigenous children and youth an ongoing part of its work. In so doing, it acknowledges the efforts made by organizations representing indigenous peoples, United Nations bodies and States to address the urgent needs of indigenous children and youth, including in the areas of education, health, culture, extreme poverty, mortality, sexual exploitation, militarization, displacement, removal by missionaries, incarceration and labour, among others.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth

Addressee: UNICEF

Paragraph Number: 9
Session: 2 (2003)
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The Forum is deeply concerned that particular problems and discrimination are faced by indigenous children and youth, including in the areas of education, health, culture, extreme poverty, mortality, incarceration, labour and other relevant areas. The Forum notes the need for new indicators to be developed by the United Nations that will specifically target those problems, and in that regard invites UNICEF to develop such new indicators and share them with other entities of the United Nations system, especially UNESCO.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth

Addressee: UNICEF

Paragraph Number: 8
Session: 2 (2003)
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The Forum notes that in order for it and the United Nations system to review the situation of indigenous children and youth, there is a need for country-specific situation analyses. Given UNICEF’s unique and long experience and expertise in that area, the Forum invites UNICEF to initiate such situation analyses on indigenous children by field offices in countries with indigenous communities. The Forum also invites UNICEF to transmit such situation analyses to the Forum.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth

Addressee: UNICEF

Paragraph Number: 14
Session: 2 (2003)
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The Forum recommends that UNICEF consider the appointment of a goodwill ambassador of indigenous children and youth to raise public awareness and that it urge all UNICEF ambassadors to pay attention to the specific problems of indigenous children and youth.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth

Addressee: UNICEF

Paragraph Number: 13
Session: 2 (2003)
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The Forum urges UNICEF to develop its policy on and guidelines regarding indigenous peoples in time for the third session of the Forum.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth

Addressee: UNICEF

Paragraph Number: 12
Session: 2 (2003)
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The Forum welcomes the inclusion in the 2003 Ibero-American Summit of a focus on indigenous children, and recommends that UNICEF report to the Forum on the results of the Summit in that area, and to indicate how lessons can be learned and policy approaches improved concerning indigenous children in other parts of the world with indigenous peoples, specifically Asia and Africa.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth

Addressee: UNICEF

Paragraph Number: 10
Session: 2 (2003)
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The Forum welcomes the new initiatives undertaken by UNICEF with regard to indigenous children, in particular the ongoing development of a digest on the indigenous child, as well as a number of case studies aimed at understanding development programming to fulfill the rights of indigenous children. The Forum requests UNICEF to make the digest and the results of those studies available to the Forum at its third session.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth

Addressee: SPFII

Paragraph Number: 18
Session: 2 (2003)
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In order to promote further knowledge of the Forum and the role of the United Nations among indigenous children and youth, the Forum decides to organize an indigenous youth art competition for the design of a logo for the Forum and to present the results to the Forum at its fourth session, in 2005, with the highest participation of indigenous children, including illiterate children.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth