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Paragraph Number: 12
Session: 3 (2004)
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Given the large number of indigenous migrants within and beyond national borders and the particular vulnerability of indigenous women migrants, as well as the lack of adequate data and attention to their problems, the Forum recommends launching a new initiative involving various stakeholders, including the Inter-Agency Support Group, the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in order to face this urgency. The Forum recommends, as a first step, the convening of a workshop on the theme "Migration of indigenous women" in order to highlight the urgency and scale of the issue, including the alarming trend of trafficking indigenous women within and across national borders, and the development of recommendations and guidelines for addressing the problems faced by indigenous migrant women. Participants to the workshop should be a selected number of members of the Forum, relevant United Nations departments, agencies, funds and programmes, and experts from indigenous organizations,
NGOs, intergovernmental organizations, Governments and academia. The objectives of the workshop should be:
a.To underscore the urgency and scale of the issue;
b. To highlight and address the lack of reliable data on the issue and to promote the systematic collection of data (of both quantitative and qualitative nature) by relevant United Nations and other intergovernmental entities, Governments, NGOs, indigenous organizations, and academia;
c. To review and analyse existing data;
d. To provide a report, including recommendations, to the Forum.

Area of Work: Indigenous Women
Paragraph Number: 7
Session: 3 (2004)
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The Forum recommends that the Commission on Human Rights appoint or designate a rapporteur to undertake a study on genocidal and ethnocidal practices perpetuated on indigenous peoples, including programmes for the sterilization of indigenous women and girls, the use of indigenous communities as subjects of nuclear testing or for the storage of nuclear waste and as subjects of the testing of unapproved drugs on indigenous women, children and peoples.

Area of Work: Indigenous Women