The rights of Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and in initial contact continue to face grave threats of dispossession and destruction of their ancestral territories, as well as the risk of genocide, owing to the lack of recognition of their rights. These threats include encroachment by extractive industries and the rapid imposition of monocultures, deforestation, violence, and the presence and proselytism of missionaries, including Mennonite groups. The Permanent Forum urges the application and observance of guidelines and recommendations by regional and international entities, including the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, for the protection of the rights of Indigenous Peoples in voluntary isolation and in initial contact.
The Permanent Forum urges the European Union to include the standards of the Declaration within its corporate sustainability due diligence regulations and rules, in particular in the context of implementing the Critical Raw Materials Act on the territories of Indigenous Peoples, both inside and outside the European Union.
The Permanent Forum is concerned by the adverse effects of climate change and irresponsible resource extraction on Indigenous Peoples’ lands and territories. The Forum calls upon Member States, the United Nations and other international organizations to support Indigenous-led initiatives to mitigate these impacts and stresses the importance of self-governance of Indigenous Peoples in managing these natural resources.
The Permanent Forum is concerned about the harms and injustices caused in certain instances by carbon markets and biodiversity credits on Indigenous Peoples’ lands and territories and biodiversity. The Forum urges the secretariats of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, to demand highintegrity projects that have clear accountability for carbon emissions and biodiversity as well as measured benefits for Indigenous Peoples. The Forum invites the aforementioned entities to report on their actions at its session in 2025.
The Permanent Forum invites Member States to consider adopting an International Day of the Arts at the seventy-ninth session of the General Assembly in recognition of the arts in all their expressions, including Indigenous arts.
The Permanent Forum notes the proactive measures of the Governments of Honduras and Indonesia to integrate Indigenous Peoples’ rights within national land rights and environmental conservation frameworks. Furthermore, the Forum reiterates its concerns regarding the ongoing situation in West Papua, in particular the conflict with regard to Indigenous Peoples, and encourages the Government of Indonesia to extend invitations to United Nations special procedures mandate holders to conduct country visits.
The Permanent Forum urges the Governments of Chile and France to adhere to their international obligations under the Declaration, and to engage in meaningful dialogue with the Rapa Nui People (Chile) and the Indigenous Peoples of the overseas territories of France and resolve ongoing conflicts.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the Community Land Act of Kenya, which represents a critical step towards securing the land rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Forum reiterates its recommendation that the Government of Kenya implement a sustainable system of equitable land tenure to prevent further evictions of the Ogiek community in the Mau forest, and calls upon the Government to enhance the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the sustainable management of forests and to comply with the decision of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights.