There generally appears to be positive recognition of the approach to Goal 1 suggested by the Permanent Forum, while there has been less attention paid to Goal 2. In both areas, there appears to be an increase in the number of projects being implemented in Latin America, with limited projects in Asia, and one or two projects in Africa. This is particularly the case under Goal 2, where there is a general lack of reporting from Asia or Africa on intercultural/bilingual education projects or programmes in this area.
The Permanent Forum invites Governments, United Nations organizations and their regional offices, universities and research bodies to support the convening of regional workshops and other activities in the Arctic, Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific to identify indicators relevant to indigenous peoples’ poverty and well-being, traditional knowledge and biodiversity, with a view to monitoring progress in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the United Nations system conduct a separate consultation with indigenous peoples at the regional and global levels as an integral and critical part of the processes relating to the post-2015 development agenda.