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Paragraph Number: 72
Session: 20 (2021)
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The Permanent Forum recalls that, more than 10 years ago, the International Fund for Agricultural Development established an indigenous forum, which the Forum has repeatedly recognized as a good practice and recommended that other United Nations entities should follow. However, despite these recommendations, other entities have not done so, with the notable exception of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Forum reiterates its recommendation that United Nations entities should incorporate indigenous-driven platforms in order to give advice on and promote indigenous peoples’ issues and should consider the participation of the Permanent Forum together with indigenous peoples in such platforms.

Area of Work: Methods of Work

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 72
Session: 12 (2013)
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The Permanent Forum welcomes the work undertaken by indigenous peoples in the regional and thematic caucus preparatory meetings and the Indigenous Global Coordinating Group drafting group and looks forward to the forthcoming recommendations of the Global Preparatory Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, to be held in Alta, Norway, from 10 to
12 June 2013, the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the regional preparatory meetings and their respective contributions to the outcome document of the World Conference. All conclusions and recommendations that arise from those activities must be taken into consideration in the decision-making relating to the World Conference itself. The Forum wishes to draw attention to the collective objective of ensuring an informal hearing, interactive round tables, panel discussions and the adoption of an action-oriented outcome document of the Conference.

Area of Work: Methods of Work
Paragraph Number: 72
Session: 11 (2012)
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The Permanent Forum calls upon the President of the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session to share with its members the main conclusions and recommendations emanating from the half-day dialogue on the World Conference held by the members of the Forum within the framework of its eleventh session.

Area of Work: Methods of Work

Addressee: FAO

Paragraph Number: 035 (Session 9 Appendix)
Session: 8 (2009)
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The Permanent Forum thus welcomes FAO efforts to develop a policy on indigenous peoples’ issues which will help organization staff to work with indigenous peoples in a more systematic way. With a view to strengthening FAO work with indigenous peoples, the Permanent Forum encourages the organization to finalize the draft policy as soon as possible and to submit it to senior management for approval.

Area of Work: Methods of Work

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 78
Session: 12 (2013)
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The Permanent Forum considers that the conclusion of the Global Preparatory Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, to be held in Alta, Norway, from 10 to 12 June 2013, should be considered as a firm basis for the identification of specific themes for the round table and panel discussions under the auspices of the General Assembly.

Area of Work: Methods of Work