The Permanent Forum urges all States to substantially increase the human, financial and technical resources made available to implement the Declaration, in accordance with article 39 thereof, and to overcome the remaining gaps between the formal recognition of indigenous peoples and the implementation of their rights.
The Permanent Forum notes the progress made in promoting indigenous peoples’ rights through the Programme to Promote ILO Convention No. 169 (PRO-169). The Permanent Forum urges ILO to maintain and strengthen this important project/programme.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the efforts undertaken to develop the indicators of sustainability and well-being of indigenous peoples should be continued and supported by States, the United Nations system and intergovernmental bodies. This will lead to the establishment of headline indicators to measure and represent the goals and aspirations of indigenous peoples. These initiatives should lead to the creation of an indigenous peoples development index, which the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) would adopt as a project to be included in future issues of the Human Development Report.
It is important to recognize that indigenous peoples themselves must claim ownership of their languages and direct the revitalization efforts of the languages, while States should support these efforts and facilitate the transmission of the languages by parents and grandparents to the younger generations.
The Permanent Forum takes note of the determination of IFAD — for which it congratulates the Fund — to identify indigenous peoples as a specific target group within the agency’s strategic framework, which, in a significant way, has consolidated and legitimized indigenous peoples’ issues in its work with its partners, other organizations and States. The Permanent Forum finds that identifying indigenous peoples as a specific target group is a standard-setting approach, to be duplicated by the United Nations and other international agencies. It is recommended that IFAD maintain its strong focus on indigenous peoples’ issues in the formulation of the new institutional strategic framework, which is due to commence soon.
UNESCO should provide technical assistance for the elaboration of national and regional programs and projects on developing culturally relevant curricula and educational materials as well as pedagogy to improve the access to and quality of indigenous education in all countries with indigenous peoples
The Permanent Forum urges States to recognize indigenous peoples’ customary laws on genetic resources and traditional knowledge and to consider the development of sui generis systems based on such customary laws, as appropriate, for the protection of traditional knowledge and access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge.
The global engagement of indigenous peoples at the international level has led to some positive institutional developments, including the establishment of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples can play an important role in the fight against climate change. Member States and United Nations entities should ensure that any activities related to the use of the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples respect indigenous peoples’ own protocols and consent agreements for managing access to their traditional knowledge. Strengthening and ensuring the full participation of indigenous peoples at all levels is also critical for the design and implementation of climate policies, plans, programmes and projects at the local, national and global levels.
The Permanent Forum calls for heightened attention to be paid to diabetes and other non communicable diseases by WHO, PAHO and States, including at the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, to be held in 2014, and calls upon these parties to discuss issues relating to indigenous health and formulate an action plan with particular focus on improving prevention and access to the care of diabetes and non-communicable diseases.
The Forum expresses its great concern about the effects of armed conflict on indigenous women and children, and recommends that a workshop be convened with the framework of the 10-year review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in order to formulate strategies to protect vulnerable groups, such as indigenous peoples, especially taking into account the vulnerabilities of indigenous women and children. These strategies should incorporate capacity-building of indigenous women living in areas of armed conflict or in precarious circumstances.
The Permanent Forum highlights the activities of those States that have undertaken or are currently undertaking constitutional revision processes to strengthen constitutional provisions on human rights, pluriculturalism and juridical pluralism, among others, and also welcomes those States that are in the midst of ongoing constitutional revision or reform processes. The Forum calls upon all relevant States to review and revise their constitutions and legal frameworks to comprehensively recognize the human rights of indigenous peoples. The Forum recommends that the process of constitutional revision in Member States should be driven by indigenous peoples.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the Pacific States endorse and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.