The Permanent Forum reiterates its recommendation from 2015 to the Arctic Council and requests all Arctic governments to adopt a comprehensive and long-term strategy for resource extraction in the Arctic region that includes free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples to development projects on their lands and territories or involving their resources. The Forum requests the Arctic Council to provide information on the progress made in the implementation of the recommendation in conjunction with indigenous peoples.
The Permanent Forum expresses appreciation for Nepal being the only Asian country to ratify the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), in 2007. Nevertheless, it is concerning that, even 10 years after ratification, the Government has not adopted a national action plan to implement the Convention. The Forum recommends that Nepal immediately adopt a national action plan, including in line with its commitment in the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples. The Forum urges other Asian States to consider ratifying the Convention as per the recommendations made by treaty bodies and in the universal periodic review.