The Permanent Forum recommends that when planning, preparing and implementing its programmes and projects, IFAD conduct the necessary investigations so as to ensure that the particularities and cultural sensitivities of indigenous peoples involved in and affected by the programmes and projects are taken into account. The Permanent Forum underlines the fact that indigenous peoples are to be engaged as an active and equal partner in all processes and phases of programmes and projects.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the announcement during this session of the Conservation Initiative on Human Rights by eight global conservation organizations — the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, the World Wide Fund for Nature/World Wildlife Fund, Fauna and Flora International, Wetlands International, BirdLife International, the Nature Conservancy, the Wildlife Conservation Society and Conservation International — which aims to promote the integration of human rights in conservation policy and practice, based on their common interest in promoting positive links between conservation and rights of people to secure their livelihoods, enjoy healthy and productive environments and live with dignity. The Forum recommends that these conservation organizations ensure the full participation of indigenous peoples in the implementation of the Initiative. The Forum further recommends that conservation organizations that have projects that have led to the eviction of indigenous peoples from their forests provide redress and restitution to such victims.