The Permanent Forum commends the UNDP Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean for starting a regional initiative building on the Programme’s experience in Asia. The Forum recommends that the initiative be consolidated and that the Regional Bureau implement a regional programme to ensure cross-fertilization of good practices among countries and coherent policy approaches. The Forum encourages the Regional Bureau to strengthen its capacity and, together with the Inter-Agency Support Group, looks forward to supporting those efforts through specialized training workshops for United Nations country teams.
Good practices in terms of the implementation of recommendations should be disseminated more widely so that they can provide examples for indigenous peoples, the United Nations system, Governments and others.
The Permanent Forum expresses appreciation to all States, United Nations agencies and foundations that contributed to the Trust Fund on Indigenous Issues, including contributions for the small grants programme for the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People and the Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations, and invites States, agencies and foundations to continue contributing generously to the Funds. The Forum urges the Voluntary Fund on Indigenous Populations to give particular support to applications from indigenous peoples from the Pacific to participate in its seventh session in 2008. The Permanent Forum encourages representatives of indigenous peoples’ organizations from the Pacific to make applications to the Fund in order to the attend the seventh session of the Permanent Forum.
The Permanent Forum recalls that, in the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, Member States committed to “developing, in conjunction with the Indigenous Peoples concerned, fair transparent and effective mechanisms for … repatriation of ceremonial objects and human remains at the national and international levels”. The Forum urges United Nations entities to accurately identify affected Indigenous Peoples and provide them with advance notice and applicable timelines for both identification and repatriation so that Indigenous Peoples can request the repatriation of their ancestral remains, cultural patrimony and sacred objects.