The Permanent Forum underlines the need for the examination of national policies, practices and funding programmes on Indigenous media, including capacitybuilding and content production in Indigenous languages by Indigenous media professionals, including Indigenous women, and for the promotion of international cooperation, knowledge-sharing and cooperation among Indigenous media and other partners, including mainstream media and Governments. The Permanent Forum recommends that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, in partnership with relevant United Nations entities and Indigenous Peoples, conduct a study on Indigenous media and present their findings at the annual session of the Permanent Forum in 2025.
The Permanent Forum reiterates the regrets that it expressed at its twenty-first session regarding the very high and inhumane incarceration rates of Indigenous Peoples globally, which contribute to poor health, poverty and early and preventable deaths. The Permanent Forum repeats its previous recommendation to the Unit ed States of America on the grating of clemency to Leonard Peltier. Owing to his age and poor health, his release is a humanitarian imperative.
The Permanent Forum reiterates its recommendation that Member States review and revise their constitutions and legal frameworks to comprehensively recognize the rights of Indigenous Peoples, including the right to self-determination. Such review and revision processes should be driven and guided by Indigenous Peoples. The Forum also recommends that Member States develop and adopt specific national action plans to ensure that all policies and laws conform with the recognition and advancement of the right to self-determination, including self-governance and autonomy. The Forum further recommends that States engage in processes focused on decolonization and reconciliation policies that facilitate the path of Indigenous Peoples to self-determination, with the full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the efforts by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania to engage with the Maasai people from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The Forum calls upon the Government to immediately cease efforts to evict the Maasai people from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, and to enable the country visit of the Special Rapporteur.