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Paragraph Number: 103
Session: 5 (2006)
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The Permanent Forum invites the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Issues for the Permanent Forum, Governments and donors to maximize collaboration, avoid duplication and advance joint efforts to strengthen work on data collection and identification of indicators relevant to indigenous peoples, the Millennium Development Goals and the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Area of Work: Cooperation
Paragraph Number: 103
Session: 16 (2017)
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The Permanent Forum encourages the Commission for Social Development to consider indigenous peoples’ issues at the fifty-sixth session of the Commission as part of its agenda related to the 2017-2018 priority theme “Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development for all”.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development
Paragraph Number: 103
Session: 20 (2021)
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The Permanent Forum appoints Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim and Vital Bambanze, members of the Forum, to conduct a study on indigenous peoples and resource conflicts in the Sahel and in the Congo Basin, and to present that study to the Forum at its twenty-first session.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development
Paragraph Number: 103
Session: 7 (2008)
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The Permanent Forum also welcomes the recent adoption of the United Nations Development Group guidelines for indigenous peoples’ issues, which will bring the United Nations normative framework on indigenous peoples to the field level and contribute to the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Decade and of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Forum encourages the United Nations system to support the Guidelines with a programme of action and calls upon the donor community to provide resources to that effect. The Forum also calls upon the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Issues to review and revise the Guidelines in light of the adoption of the Declaration.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development
Paragraph Number: 103
Session: 12 (2013)
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In this regard, the Permanent Forum recommends that Member States and the United Nations system take due account of the outcome document and the conclusions of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, to be held in September 2014, given that this process is deeply interrelated with the post-2015 process and will set the context for future work on indigenous peoples’ issues.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development, MDGs
Paragraph Number: 84
Session: 3 (2004)
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The Forum recommends that the United Nations Forum on Forests develop effective means to monitor and verify the participation of indigenous peoples in forest policy-making and sustainable forest management, and establish a mechanism, with the participation of indigenous peoples, to assess the performance of governmental and intergovernmental commitments and obligations to uphold and respect indigenous peoples’ rights.

Area of Work: Environment
Paragraph Number: 46
Session: 2 (2003)
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The Forum recommends that the Secretary-General, through the Economic and Social Council, prepare a report on the implementation of chapter 26 of Agenda 21 and other relevant chapters, such as chapter 36 and 15, that focus on how the Commission on Sustainable Development, in conjunction with secretariats of other environmental bodies (Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, United Nations Environment Programme, Global Environment Facility (GEF), United Nations Forum on Forests, UNDP, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) etc.) are implementing those chapters for indigenous peoples in their work, and that the report be submitted to the Forum at its third session.

Area of Work: Environment

Addressee: ICCM

Paragraph Number: 46
Session: 17 (2018)
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The Forum recommends that the International Conference on Chemicals
Management establish an advisory committee of indigenous peoples in its intersessional process for considering the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management and the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020.

Area of Work: Environment
Paragraph Number: 46
Session: 7 (2008)
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A recommendation that the Government of Denmark, in its preparatory work and programme for the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, engage indigenous representatives and invite the Chairperson of the Permanent Forum and other members of the Forum to participate.

Area of Work: Environment
Paragraph Number: 84
Session: 17 (2018)
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The Permanent Forum requests that entities, agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system allocate relevant financial and human resources to carry out commitments to indigenous peoples, as per the system-wide action plan on the rights of indigenous peoples and respective strategic plans and programmes and to provide information to the Forum about the allocation of such resources at its annual sessions.

Area of Work: Funding and Resources

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 46
Session: 13 (2014)
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The Permanent Forum also urges States to fund and deliver training in suicide prevention and mental health awareness to all teaching and non-teaching staff in all schools attended by indigenous children. The development of localized training programmes adapted to each culture consistent with articles 11, 14, 15 and 31 should be encouraged.

Area of Work: Health, Education
Paragraph Number: 46
Session: 3 (2004)
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The Forum urges the meeting of chairpersons of the human rights treaty bodies and the meeting of the special rapporteurs and other mechanisms of the Commission on Human Rights organized by the Office of the High Commissioner to place indigenous peoples, including indigenous women, on their agenda and invite the Forum to participate.

Area of Work: Human rights