Considering the family separations caused by migration, and the psychological impact on men, children and women left behind, the Permanent Forum recommends that UNICEF:(a)Conduct a comprehensive study on the effects of remittances and the psychosocial and cultural impact of migrations;(b)Promote programmes to ensure continuity between countries of origin and destination in order to ensure continuity in indigenous children’s relationships with their migrant parents and the protection of migrant children;(c)Support programmes for the protection of the rights of men, children and women left behind.
The Permanent Forum instructs its secretariat transmit recommendations on lands, territories and natural resources as a contribution to:(a)The report of the Secretary-General to the sixteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development;(b)An informational document to the sixteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development on the thematic issue of land and sustainable agricultural rural development;(c)Transmit specific recommendations on water to the study of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the right to water.