The Forum recommends that a world conference on indigenous peoples in the information society be organized on the occasion of the World Summit on the Information Society (10-12 December 2003), in close cooperation with interested Governments and NGOs. It is recommended that the assistance of the secretariat of the Summit be provided for the organization of such an event. The Forum recommends that a written report on indigenous peoples in the information society be addressed by the focal point of the Forum, Mr. Matias, to the preparatory committee for the Summit before 31 August 2003.
The Forum recommends that UNESCO hold a world forum on education and indigenous peoples with the participation of indigenous peoples that would contribute, inter alia, to enriching the indigenous education concepts and the pedagogic practices.
The Forum recommends that the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme urge States to ratify the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and adopt the recommendations of the Conference of the Parties relating to its implementation.