The Permanent Forum recognizes development of renewable energy sources but remains alarmed that irresponsible development related to green technology and the green transition, has led, at times, to violations of Indigenous Peoples’ rights, including mineral extraction and the building of hydroelectric dams and other large-scale infrastructure without the free, prior and informed consent of Indigenous Peoples. The Permanent Forum recommends that Member States provide the resources necessary to develop and implement Indigenous Peoples’ own free, prior and informed consent protocols in such contexts.
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues welcomes the report of the international expert group meeting on the theme “Truth, transitional justice and reconciliation processes” (E/C.19/2023/3). The Permanent Forum endorses the recommendations in the report urging Member States to include Indigenous representatives and leaders in all transitional justice institutions and conflict prevention initiatives and to develop training programmes on human rights and Indigenous Peoples’ rights for concerned government agencies. It recommends that the Human Rights Council request that OHCHR, in cooperation with relevant United Nations entities, prepare a companion report by 2025 related to the guidance note of the Secretary-General on the United Nations approach to transitional justice.