The Forum recommends that the United Nations system urge all States to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, the Bio-Safety Protocol, the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (the Conference of Parties to the Stockholm Convention should establish mechanisms for indigenous peoples to maintain an active presence at its meeting), the Rotterdam Convention on Hazardous Chemicals, the Basel Convention on the Control of the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal and its 1995 prohibition on the export of hazardous waste from the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to non-member countries, and 1996 Protocol to the London Convention on marine waste deposits etc.
The Forum expresses its satisfaction that the Inter-Agency Support Group has met since the first session of the Forum to organize its input to the second session, and expresses appreciation to the ILO and the World Bank for having convened the Group. The Forum requests the Group to extend its membership to other United Nations system entities so as to promote the largest possible participation of the system in the work programme of the Forum, and requests the secretariat of the Forum to provide substantive support to the rotating Chair of the Group. The Forum also expresses appreciation for the active participation of agency focal points in a constructive dialogue during its second session, and expresses the hope that focal points will continue to participate at its third session.