The continuing denial of indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories and resources, based upon various racist doctrines, theories and policies, including on lands occupied or otherwise used, historically and currently, by them, has led, among others, to their eviction from their lands and the erosion of their hunting and other traditional occupations and lifestyles, thereby threatening their very survival and well-being as peoples. It is necessary to ensure that bans, such as on hunting and other traditional livelihoods, do not infringe upon the rights of indigenous peoples.
During the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, the members of the Permanent Forum were not able to register as United Nations experts. Forum members attend many United Nations meetings where their specific status is not recognized. The Forum therefore recommends that Member States include Forum members as United Nations experts, not as part of major groups, in United Nations accreditation processes.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the recent entry into force of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The Forum encourages Member States to accede to the Optional Protocol and requests the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to consider the preparation of a general comment on the economic, social and cultural rights of indigenous peoples.