Recalling the inter-agency support group report on data disaggregation, the Permanent Forum calls for the implementation of the following recommendations:(a)The United Nations system should use and further refine existing indicators, such as the common country assessment indicators, Millennium Development Goal indicators, country progress reports, global monitoring instruments and human development indexes to measure the situation of indigenous and tribal peoples;(b)The national human development reports, produced through nationally owned, editorially independent processes, should systematically include case studies and should include disaggregated data on indigenous and tribal peoples.
The Permanent Forum expresses concern about the situation of indigenous men, who, in the development process, suffer losses in their traditional livelihoods in their family structures and their roles in the community, and face social challenges as a result, as shown by many social indices, and urges United Nations agencies to undertake a study on the changing role of indigenous men in the economic development process.