The Permanent Forum recommends that indigenous peoples’ organizations, particularly those concerned with indigenous women and young people, participate fully in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes related to the Millennium Development Goals. This includes participation in the preparations for the summit on the Millennium Development Goals through national consultation processes and in decision-making on the proposed summit outcome.
The Permanent Forum recalls General Assembly resolution 66/296 and recommends that the President of the sixty-eighth session of the Assembly organize an informal interactive hearing, back-to-back with, but separate from, the thirteenth session of the Forum. This will ensure that those representatives of indigenous peoples who are attending the Forum are also able to participate in the informal interactive hearing without the need to return to New York at a later date and incur further travel and other related expenditures.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the resolution of the seventeenth Ibero-American summit of Heads of State which calls for a world conference on indigenous peoples, to be organized by the United Nations, and urges States to support this initiative at the General Assembly level.
The Forum invites the agencies and Governments submitting contributions also to indicate in future the challenges that they face in the implementation of the Forum's recommendations
In the discussion on reconciliation and intergenerational trauma, there was agreement that healing requires a return to culture and a relationship with the land. The Permanent Forum recommends that Governments support programmes led by indigenous peoples to address intergenerational trauma as a way of moving towards true reconciliation.
The Forum expresses its support for the work of the Board of Trustees and the Advisory Group of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations and the United Nations Trust Fund for the International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, urges Governments, non-governmental organizations and other private or public entities and individuals to contribute to the funds and supports the continuation of the activities of the Board of Trustees and Advisory Group of both Funds, which are considered a vital support to indigenous communities worldwide.
The Permanent Forum reiterates its recommendation made at its eighteenth session for the Pan American Health Organization to prepare a study on the advancements in indigenous maternal health, including with the participation of indigenous midwives (E/2019/43, para. 45). The Permanent Forum also recommends that WHO prepare similar studies in other regions.
The Permanent Forum calls on the Government of Canada to fully implement the recommendations emanating from its Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The Permanent Forum calls on the United States of America to formalize the establishment of a truth and reconciliation mechanism on the boarding school crisis.
The inclusion and full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples, as beneficiaries and partners in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, while avoiding negative impacts on their rights are essential. The Permanent Forum recommends that States and relevant United Nations entities cooperate with Indigenous Peoples to fully consider their situations during the midpoint review at the Sustainable Development Goals Summit in 2023, including in the preparations at the high-level political forum on sustainable development.
The Forum calls upon international financial institutions to align policies and safeguards with the Declaration.