The Permanent Forum welcomes the proposal of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, to collect information on best practices in adapting statistical inquiries to the needs of indigenous peoples. The Permanent Forum looks forward to the results of this project and invites the Institute to follow up on this work with the Forum through the Forum secretariat.
The Permanent Forum decides to appoint, without financial implications, Hassan Id Balkassm and Paimaneh Hasteh, members of the Forum, as Special Rapporteurs to undertake a study to determine whether climate change policies and projects adhere to the standards in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and that the Human Rights Council expert mechanism on the rights of indigenous peoples and the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Issues be invited to participate in the study, and requests that they provide the Forum with an outline of the study at its eighth session and a report thereon at its ninth session.
The Permanent Forum recommends that national human rights institutions and other relevant national and regional bodies, including the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, promote the rights of indigenous peoples and monitor the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and ensure that the international standards on indigenous peoples’ rights are translated into national laws.
The Permanent Forum decides to reappoint Victoria Tauli-Corpuz as Special Rapporteur to complete a study on the impacts of the global crisis on indigenous peoples by 31 December 2010 and submit it to the Permanent Forum at its tenth session, in 2011.
Should members of the Forum wish to submit working papers to the Forum under the various areas of its mandate, they are hereby formally recommended to do so.
The Permanent Forum expresses appreciation to Mr. Michael Dodson for his concept paper on traditional knowledge, and recommends that the paper be widely circulated. The Permanent Forum invites States, United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations and indigenous peoples and their organizations and academic institutions to submit written comments to the secretariat for consideration at the seventh session of the Permanent Forum. The Permanent Forum welcomes the support and notes that the recommendation in paragraph 24 of the report of the Special Rapporteur states that: “the Permanent Forum should commission a study ... to determine whether there ought to be a shift in the focus on the protection of indigenous traditional knowledge away from intellectual property law to protection via customary law ... The study should consider how indigenous traditional knowledge could be protected at an international level by utilizing customary law, including the extent to which customary law should be reflected, thereby providing guidance to States and, subsequently, protection at national and regional levels”. The Permanent Forum would particularly welcome written submissions addressing the above recommendation. The Permanent Forum re-appoints Mr. Dodson as Special Rapporteur to present a follow-up study on indigenous traditional knowledge, taking into account the written submissions, and to present the report to the seventh session of the Permanent Forum in 2008.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the decision by the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization to establish a mechanism for the participation of Indigenous Peoples. The Forum recommends that States members of the Treaty Organization guarantee the full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples in all processes with a view to developing the operational structure of the mechanism. The Forum invites the Treaty Organization to present a progress report at the next session of the Forum in 2025. The Forum welcomes the opportunity to provide its expertise to the Treaty Organization.