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Paragraph Number: 43
Session: 22 (2023)
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The Permanent Forum calls upon the Conference of the Parties and the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to ensure that all reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation mechanism (REDD and REDD+) programmes and projects go through a full review, with the full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples, to assess their validity. The parties to the Convention should adopt a grievance mechanism that allows Indigenous Peoples to identify and name non-State actors, corporations, United Nations entities, States and other organizations involved in setting up REDD programmes and projects that violate the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Area of Work: Environment

Addressee: Australia

Paragraph Number: 62
Session: 22 (2023)
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The Permanent Forum was presented with horrific testimonies of Indigenous children incarcerated in prisons and other holding facilities. The Permanent Forum reminds Member States to fulfil their obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child in relation to the arrest, detention, or imprisonment of a child. No child should be in prison. In that regard, the Permanent Forum notes the finding in 2022 of the Supreme Court of Western Australia that the extensive solitary confinement and significant reduction in liberty of children, primarily Aboriginal children, was unlawful. The Permanent Forum calls upon Australia to respect the Court decision and remove its reservation to article 37 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Permanent Forum recommends that Member States review and reform their child protection policies and systems to prevent undue removal of Indigenous children from their families and communities.

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth, Human rights
Paragraph Number: 13
Session: 23 (2024)
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The Permanent Forum is concerned by the adverse effects of climate change and irresponsible resource extraction on Indigenous Peoples’ lands and territories. The Forum calls upon Member States, the United Nations and other international organizations to support Indigenous-led initiatives to mitigate these impacts and stresses the importance of self-governance of Indigenous Peoples in managing these natural resources.

Area of Work: Climate Change, Lands and Resources
Paragraph Number: 43
Session: 23 (2024)
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The Permanent Forum welcomes the 2023 Indigenous youth Rome Declaration on Safeguarding Seven Generations in times of Food, Social, and Ecological Crisis that resulted from the second session of the Global Indigenous Youth Forum organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The Forum encourages FAO and the Global Indigenous Youth Forum to hold regional consultations in all seven Indigenous regions before the third session of the Global Indigenous Youth Forum in 2025

Area of Work: Indigenous Children and Youth

Addressee: Kenya

Paragraph Number: 62
Session: 23 (2024)
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The Permanent Forum welcomes the Community Land Act of Kenya, which represents a critical step towards securing the land rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Forum reiterates its recommendation that the Government of Kenya implement a sustainable system of equitable land tenure to prevent further evictions of the Ogiek community in the Mau forest, and calls upon the Government to enhance the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the sustainable management of forests and to comply with the decision of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

Area of Work: Participation, Lands and Resources, Human Rights