The Permanent Forum recognizes the efforts of the Green Climate Fund and its Indigenous Peoples’ advisory group, and recommends that the Fund develop a road map for dedicated, predictable funding for Indigenous Peoples, including through capacity-building at the national level to ensure that the Fund’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme2 supports Indigenous Peoples. The Forum requests a progress report at its next session in 2025.
The Permanent Forum recognizes the importance of financing for Indigenous Peoples and appreciates the Global Environment Facility’s target of allocating 20 per cent of its funds to support initiatives for Indigenous Peoples. The Forum urges the Facility to create direct financing mechanisms for Indigenous Peoples.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the decision by the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization to establish a mechanism for the participation of Indigenous Peoples. The Forum recommends that States members of the Treaty Organization guarantee the full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples in all processes with a view to developing the operational structure of the mechanism. The Forum invites the Treaty Organization to present a progress report at the next session of the Forum in 2025. The Forum welcomes the opportunity to provide its expertise to the Treaty Organization.