The Permanent Forum also commits to facilitating a process among indigenous peoples and Member States with the aim of rethinking and supporting international efforts to ensure peace, security and peacebuilding and ensuring the effective participation of indigenous peoples in these processes.
Given that the United Nations relies on the cooperation of the people whom it serves and that everyone, individually and in association with others, has the right to unhindered access to and communication with the Organization, the Permanent Forum requests the Secretary-General, through the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights and in consultation with other relevant United Nations mechanisms, to report on trends related to intimidation and reprisals against indigenous peoples who seek to engage with the United Nations, including by providing suggestions to prevent and address reprisals through reporting from all parts of the United Nations system and with input from indigenous peoples, to the Forum at its eighteenth session, in 2019.
The Permanent Forum emphasizes that the recognition, protection and promotion of indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories and resources will make a significant contribution to achieving not only Goals 1 and 2, but also all the Sustainable Development Goals. In this regard, the Forum urges Governments to take all measures necessary to protect indigenous peoples’ rights to their territories and resources in the framework of the 2030 Agenda.
The Permanent Forum regrets the lack of progress in enhancing participation by indigenous peoples at the World Intellectual Property Organization and reiterates previous requests that that Organization adopt a legally binding document to protect the traditional knowledge and intellectual property of indigenous peoples.