The Permanent Forum requests UNESCO to host a joint seminar with the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other relevant United Nations mechanisms for the purpose of exploring the development of a new international mechanism on the repatriation of ceremonial objects and human remains. Furthermore, the Forum calls upon all States with national repositories of indigenous cultural items and ancestral remains, including museums and universities, to work with UNESCO to create an international database and inventory of these items accessible to indigenous peoples as a basis for initiating dialogue.
The Permanent Forum expresses concern about the situation of indigenous men, who, in the development process, suffer losses in their traditional livelihoods in their family structures and their roles in the community, and face social challenges as a result, as shown by many social indices, and urges United Nations agencies to undertake a study on the changing role of indigenous men in the economic development process.
The Forum recommends that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change consider the possible establishment of an ad hoc open-ended intersessional working group on indigenous peoples and local communities and climate change, whose objectives would be to study and propose timely, effective and adequate solutions to respond to the urgent situations caused by climate change that indigenous peoples and local communities face. The Forum furthermore recommends that the Convention consider providing necessary funding support to Forum members and indigenous peoples to guarantee their participation and to strengthen their participation.
The Forum recommends the creation of a global, legally binding regime for toxic industrial chemicals and hazardous pesticides, the vast majority of which are currently unregulated under existing conventions, to protect the rights of everyone, including indigenous peoples, from the grave threats to human rights presented by the ongoing chemical intensification of the global economy. Such a regime should have strong accountability and compliance mechanisms and be in conformity with international human rights standards, including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
The Permanent Forum is concerned about the growing impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on the lives and livelihoods of indigenous peoples around the world. The Forum recommends that the International Organization for Migration and other relevant organizations provide technical cooperation and operational assistance to those Governments and communities planning organized migration management solutions for climate change and environmental refugees and migrants, giving priority, according to the principle of free, prior and informed consent, to the assisted voluntary resettlement and reintegration of those indigenous communities whose territories are no longer inhabitable.
The Permanent Forum recommends that WHO, in coordination with PAHO, engage indigenous health experts in efforts to eradicate tuberculosis, including through intercultural approaches, and to report to the Forum at its nineteenth session.
The Forum calls on all relevant United Nations system and other intergovernmental entities to pay special attention to the human rights and concerns of indigenous peoples, in particular indigenous women, when designing, implementing and evaluating their policies and programmes, and to promote the meaningful participation of indigenous women. In particular, the relation of indigenous women’s issues to the design, implementation and evaluation of programmes, in the context of the 10-year review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action on Human Rights and the United Nations Millennium Declaration, needs to be addressed.
The Permanent Forum calls upon States, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, to establish national initiatives, programmes and plans of work to implement the Declaration with clear timelines and priorities. States and indigenous peoples should report regularly to their national legislative bodies and to the Forum on the progress and shortcomings in implementing the Declaration.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the decision of Bolivia to make the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples national law and to include it in the Constitution approved by the Constituent Assembly. The Forum expresses its support for Bolivia’s implementation of the Declaration through national laws and other means that lead towards the restitution of lands and territories to the indigenous peoples of eastern Bolivia. The Forum encourages Ecuador and Nepal to give due consideration to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in their current constitutional processes.
The Permanent Forum notes that the Greenland-Danish Self-Government Commission submitted its report on self-government on 6 May 2008. The main task of the Commission has been to submit draft legislation regarding a self-government arrangement for Greenland. A referendum was held in Greenland on 25 November 2008 concerning the act and the process leading up to its entry into force. The Permanent Forum welcomes the successful passage of the act through the Danish Parliament on 19 May 2009.
The Permanent Forum recommends that all States with indigenous peoples review their legislation, policies and programmes in accordance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Programme of Action for the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People.
The Permanent Forum encourages indigenous parliamentarians to organize a global satellite conference of indigenous representatives with the objective of analyzing as a whole the level of progress in the promotion, protection and exercise of the rights of indigenous peoples around the world within the framework of the seventh session of the Permanent Forum.