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Paragraph Number: 77
Session: 12 (2013)
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The Permanent Forum reiterates that the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues constitutes a key forum for the achievement of more effective coordination and coherence in supporting the preparations for and the participation of indigenous peoples in the World Conference and recommends stronger engagement and the participation of all agencies, programmes and funds in the work of the Group.

Area of Work: Methods of Work
Paragraph Number: 144
Session: 4 (2005)
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The Forum encourages national committees for the Decade, where those exist, to invite members of the Forum to participate in the activities of these committees

Area of Work: Second Decade

Addressee: FAO, UNEP

Paragraph Number: 77
Session: 21 (2022)
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The Permanent Forum requests that FAO and the United Nations Environment Programme, with the participation of indigenous peoples, develop a technical policy paper on indigenous peoples’ collective rights to lands, territories and natural resources in the context of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security for submission to the Committee on World Food Security

Area of Work: Lands and Resources
Paragraph Number: 77
Session: 22 (2023)
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The Permanent Forum urges Member States and relevant United Nations entities to ensure the right and access to media by and for Indigenous Peoples, as enshrined in article 16 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It calls upon Member States to cooperate with Indigenous journalists, as well as with OHCHR and other relevant United Nations entities, on the effective protection of Indigenous journalists from criminalization and violence.

Area of Work: Media and Journalism
Paragraph Number: 77
Session: 23 (2024)
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The Permanent Forum is concerned about the impacts of climate change in the Sahel and Great Lakes regions, which have triggered armed conflicts and displacement, and heightened the vulnerability of Indigenous Peoples. The Forum calls for regional climate action.

Area of Work: Climate Change

Addressee: General Assembly

Paragraph Number: 144
Session: 23 (2024)
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The Permanent Forum recommends that the General Assembly conduct a highlevel meeting in September 2027 to evaluate the implementation of the outcome document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples and to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, with the enhanced participation of Indigenous Peoples as a key deliverable of the event. The Forum advocates for the support of Indigenous Peoples’ preparatory efforts for that event by ensuring their full and effective participation and funding from Member States and the private sector.

Area of Work: World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Participation