The Forum recommends that the Commission on Human Rights appoint or designate a rapporteur to undertake a study on genocidal and ethnocidal practices perpetuated on indigenous peoples, including programmes for the sterilization of indigenous women and girls, the use of indigenous communities as subjects of nuclear testing or for the storage of nuclear waste and as subjects of the testing of unapproved drugs on indigenous women, children and peoples.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the consideration of the empowerment of indigenous women as the focus area of the Commission on the Status of Women at its sixty-first session and urges Governments to report on efforts made to fully implement Commission resolution 49/7, entitled “Indigenous women: beyond the 10-year review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action”, and its resolution 56/4, entitled “Indigenous women: key actors in poverty and hunger eradication”.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the initiative of IOM to establish a coordination mechanism for combating the trafficking of indigenous women and girls.
Despite this critical role, community-regulated indigenous midwifery is often undermined and actively criminalized, to the detriment of the health of indigenous peoples. To close the gap between indigenous and non -indigenous health outcomes, the practice of indigenous midwifery must be supported by state health policy and integration. The right of indigenous peoples to self-determination extends to their reproductive health, and States should put an end to the criminalization of indigenous midwifery and make the necessary legislative and regu latory amendments to legitimize indigenous midwives who are recognized by their communities as health-care providers. States should also support the education of new traditional indigenous midwives via multiple routes of education, including apprenticeship s and the oral transmission of knowledge.
The Forum invites all the African States, the African Union and the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights to its fifth session to participate in meetings on the Millennium Development Goals and their implementation in Africa during the Second Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples.
The Permanent Forum expresses appreciation to Mr. Parshuram Tamang and Mr. Yuri Boichenko for their draft questionnaire for United Nations agencies and requests the secretariat of the Permanent Forum to use the questionnaire in seeking information from agencies for its future sessions. The Permanent Forum also supports requests from States that they receive a similar questionnaire and requests the secretariat to carry through this request, in consultation with members of the Permanent Forum.
The Permanent Forum calls on the chairs of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals to address inequalities through the sustainable development goals, with a special focus on indigenous peoples, in order to uphold human rights for all, eliminate discrimination, reduce inequalities and ensure that no one is left behind.
The recognition of indigenous peoples’ representative institutions is particularly pertinent in conflict-affected and post-conflict regions. Indigenous peoples’ role in peacebuilding is essential for reconciliation and for strengthening resilience to extremism and radicalization, particularly among indigenous youth. Indigenous peoples’ institutions should be viewed by States as allies in the efforts of the Security Council to establish peace and security.
The Permanent Forum requests that WIPO commission a technical review, to be conducted by an indigenous expert, focusing on the draft texts concerning traditional knowledge, genetic resources and traditional cultural expressions, and to provide comments thereon to the Intergovernmental Committee through the Forum. The review should be undertaken within the framework of indigenous human rights.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the United States of America grant clemency to Leonard Peltier, who has been imprisoned since 1977 and is now an elderly person.
The Permanent Forum recalls the relevance of article 13 (1) of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and encourages States to step up efforts, in collaboration with Indigenous Peoples, to advance the realization of the linguistic and cultural rights of Indigenous Peoples, including through the right to education in Indigenous Peoples’ languages in the context of the International Decade.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the initiative of the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Issues to create a working group on finance. The Forum encourages the working group to consult Forum members regularly and to build initiatives to strengthen the capacity of Indigenous Peoples to manage finance and access financial institutions.