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Addressee: IASG

Paragraph Number: 15
Session: 10 (2011)
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The Permanent Forum recommends that the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues compile a database on case studies showing the progress made by Member States and organizations regarding indigenous youth rights in the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Area of Work: Cooperation

Addressee: UNEP

Paragraph Number: 15
Session: 5 (2006)
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The Permanent Forum recommends that the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) adopt an indigenous peoples’ policy and ensure the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in the formulation of this policy and its programmes and projects.

Area of Work: Cooperation

Addressee: United Nations

Paragraph Number: 15
Session: 9 (2010)
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The Permanent Forum also calls on the United Nations to ensure the active participation of indigenous peoples at the High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, to be held in September 2010.

Area of Work: Cooperation, Methods of Work
Paragraph Number: 86
Session: 8 (2009)
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The Permanent Forum recommends that States support the creation of indigenous language and cultural studies centres in universities and encourage universities to provide permanent teaching positions for indigenous peoples in those study centres; urges States to adopt a policy of free university tuition for all indigenous peoples; encourages those universities that have not already done so to establish designated places and scholarships for indigenous students; and encourages UNESCO to support those initiatives where applicable.

Area of Work: Culture
Paragraph Number: 86
Session: 4 (2005)
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Follow the principle of free, prior and informed consent at all levels and take into account both the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics as established by the Statistical Commission and provisions on human rights and fundamental freedoms and data protection regulations and privacy guarantees including respect for confidentiality. For indigneous peoples living in voluntary isolation, data-collection exercises should not be used as a pretext for establishing forced contact

Area of Work: Data Collection and Indicators

Addressee: UN System

Paragraph Number: 15
Session: 16 (2017)
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The Permanent Forum urges the funds, programmes and agencies of the United Nations system to cooperate with States and indigenous peoples in the development and implementation of national action plans, strategies and other measures that aim to achieve the ends of the Declaration, including by providing support for the advancement and adjudication of the collective rights of indigenous peoples to their lands, territories and resources.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development, Human Rights
Paragraph Number: 15
Session: 12 (2013)
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The Permanent Forum encourages States and United Nations agencies and funds to implement, in cooperation with indigenous peoples, proactive and substantive measures to realize the full and effective implementation of the rights affirmed in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. These measures must include greater accessibility for indigenous learners who live in remote areas or in nomadic communities. The Forum calls upon States to respect and implement article 19 of the Declaration by ensuring the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples before adopting and implementing legislative or administrative measures that affect them.

Area of Work: Education
Paragraph Number: 15
Session: 11 (2012)
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The Permanent Forum recommends that the relevant United Nations agencies and Member States with reindeer herding peoples support training and education programmes for indigenous reindeer herding youth and communities in order to secure the future sustainability and resilience of the Arctic and sub-Arctic indigenous pastoral reindeer herding societies and cultures in the face of climate change, land-use change and globalization.

Area of Work: Education, Culture, Environment


Paragraph Number: 86
Session: 7 (2008)
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The Permanent Forum recommends that the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and UNESCO reinforce quality education by building indigenous knowledge and culture into education programmes and curricula, including education for sustainable development and for natural disaster preparedness, and promoting the use of indigenous language as the medium of instruction. The important role of indigenous learning methodologies, including experiential learning with community members outside of the classroom, should also be included.

Area of Work: Education, Environment

Addressee: World Bank

Paragraph Number: 15
Session: 17 (2018)
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The Permanent Forum continues to be concerned that the World Bank’s new environmental and social safeguard 7 allows the conversion of the collective territories of indigenous peoples into individual ownership rights, even though it recognizes the importance of protecting the collective attachment of indigenous peoples to their lands. Providing funding for States to divide the lands of indigenous peoples generates conflict, irreparably harms livelihoods and traditional resource management strategies and erodes the governance structures of indigenous peoples. Paragraph 29 of environmental and social safeguard 7 should urgently be revised to ensure that indigenous peoples maintain their collective rights to lands, territories and resources in all projects funded by the Bank.

Area of Work: Environment, lands and resources
Paragraph Number: 86
Session: 3 (2004)
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The Forum reiterates its health recommendations made at its first and second sessions, in particular those contained in chapter I, section B, paragraphs 63 to 82 of its report on its second session.2

Area of Work: Health

Addressee: WHO,PAHO

Paragraph Number: 15
Session: 14 (2015)
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The Permanent Forum therefore urges the World Health Organization to develop a strategy and programme to tackle self-harm and suicide among indigenous children and young people at the global level. The Forum recommends taking into account the initiatives that are being conducted at the regional level, in particular by the Pan American Health Organization, and using them as a basis for further expansion. As a first step, the Forum suggests that the World Health Organization gather evidence and initiate research on the prevalence of self-harm and suicide among indigenous children and young people at the global level and prepare a compilation of good practices on prevention of self-harm and suicide among indigenous young people, publishing its findings by 1 January 2017.

Area of Work: Health