The Permanent Forum congratulates IFAD for the work undertaken in India on disaggregating the human development index and associated development indicators for indigenous and non-indigenous peoples. It further recommends that the Fund, in collaboration with the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and other appropriate organizations, undertake similar work in any developing country where existing data allow for estimates of disaggregated development indicators.
The Permanent Forum urges the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) to engage with the Permanent Forum and other partners in the global AIDS movement, to initiate universal access to treatment, to develop a set of resources highlighting effective approaches and best practices for HIV prevention and AIDS care in indigenous communities, particularly from the developed world, including the development of an appropriate paper to provide guidance to national HIV surveillance systems, and to advocate and promote meaningful participation of indigenous peoples in HIV policy and planning
The Permanent Forum welcomes the invitation extended by the Maskwacis Cree and the Confederacy of Treaty Six Chiefs to the members and the secretariat to attend the United Nations Expert Seminar on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and indigenous peoples at the Samson Cree Nation from 25 to 27 September 2006. This is a historic first United Nations expert meeting to be held on indigenous treaty territory.