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Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 30
Session: 3 (2004)
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The Forum recommends that Member States ratify the Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage and ensure that it is fully implemented.

Area of Work: Culture
Paragraph Number: 34
Session: 3 (2004)
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The Forum recommends:
(a) That the appropriate agencies, including those engaged in development activities, consider the protection of sacred species;
(b) That UNESCO focus attention on the ratification of the Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage and on its effective implementation at national levels;
(c) That UNESCO explore the links between the protection of tangible cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage and sacred sites and other related UNESCO instruments with a view to broadening, strengthening and streamlining the protection of (indigenous) cultural heritage;
(d) That UNESCO facilitate the participation of both the Forum and indigenous peoples’ representatives in all relevant meetings of interest to them;
(e) Noting that the current UNESCO endangered languages programme seeks only to record endangered (indigenous) languages, that UNESCO expand its endangered languages programme to record, revive and reintroduce indigenous languages, in cooperation with indigenous peoples. This should include projects that support training in and teaching of indigenous languages at the community level.

Area of Work: Culture
Paragraph Number: 34
Session: 18 (2019)
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The traditional food systems of indigenous peoples depend on a healthy environment and access to traditional resources and play an important role in maintaining the communities’ cultures and identities and their health and well-being. The Permanent Forum encourages indigenous peoples, States, United Nations entities and civil society organizations to raise awareness and promote the food cultures of indigenous peoples through support for indigenous peoples’ food systems and unconditional access to traditional resources.

Area of Work: Culture, Environment
Paragraph Number: 30
Session: 2 (2003)
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The Forum takes note of the adoption by the Commission on Sustainable Development of a substantive agenda for the next several years, and decides to prepare inputs to the Commission according to the calendar adopted by the Commission. In preparation for the first cluster for 2004-2005 on water, sanitation and human settlements, the Forum recommends that its secretariat prepare, without financial implications, a brief draft position paper and to submit it to the Forum at its third session.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development

Addressee: World Bank

Paragraph Number: 30
Session: 16 (2017)
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The Permanent Forum is concerned about the recent grant by the World Bank of a waiver to its indigenous peoples policy (operational policy 4.10) and requests that the World Bank ensure that waivers will not be used in the future. Furthermore, the Forum requests that the Bank conduct a review of the impact on indigenous peoples of the waiver issued to the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania Programme and present its findings to the Forum

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development
Paragraph Number: 30
Session: 18 (2019)
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In accordance with articles 20 and 21 of the Declaration, the Permanent Forum urges States to develop legislation, policies and programmes supporting traditional livelihoods with the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples. In particular, the Forum urges the Government of Finland to renew the Reindeer Herding Act with the full and effective participation of the Sami people

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development

Addressee: World Bank

Paragraph Number: 34
Session: 2 (2003)
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The Forum welcomes the new initiative of the Bank entitled "Grants facility for indigenous peoples", and urges the Bank to organize consultations with indigenous peoples’ organizations to further the process.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development
Paragraph Number: 34
Session: 20 (2021)
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The Permanent Forum notes that, over the course of the global COVID-19 pandemic, opportunities for consultations and participation in decision-making have increasingly moved online. Although in-person meetings and interaction should always be the preferred option, on-line consultations and decision-making present opportunities for enhanced participation. However, these online options expose existing inequalities and a digital divide that is especially detrimental to the participation of indigenous peoples in many parts of Africa, Latin America, the Pacific and in rural areas around the world. Recognizing that virtual dialogues, consultations and other events will continue beyond the pandemic, the Forum emphasizes that existing mechanisms to support the participation of indigenous peoples in processes that affect them must adapt to this new environment and support the online participation of indigenous peoples. This includes purchasing data packages and facilitating access to electricity and necessary hardware and in-country travel to gain access to stable Internet connections. The Forum notes that current administrative processes of the United Nations do not facilitate such participation and therefore requests that the Secretary-General instruct relevant United Nations entities to make the necessary arrangements as a matter of urgency.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development, Education

Addressee: UNESCO

Paragraph Number: 30
Session: 9 (2010)
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The Permanent Forum notes that in order to facilitate the expert meeting, there is a need for country-specific situation analysis. The Forum invites UNESCO to conduct this analysis, given the agency’s experience and expertise in the area. The Forum also invites UNESCO to transmit the analysis to the Forum. The analysis should identify the legislative and/or policy frameworks that States employ to facilitate successful models of bilingual learning, multicultural and multilingual learning and mother tongue education and identify the barriers to implementation of those frameworks

Area of Work: Education

Addressee: Kenya

Paragraph Number: 34
Session: 16 (2017)
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The Permanent Forum urges the Government of Kenya to recognize and formally protect the land and resource rights of the Ogiek and Sengwer peoples in line with the Constitution of Kenya, the Community Land Act of 2016 and other relevant laws, before moving ahead with planned conservation efforts in the Cherangany Hills.

Area of Work: Environment

Addressee: IPCC, IP

Paragraph Number: 34
Session: 7 (2008)
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The Permanent Forum requests the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to undertake a specific assessment of the opportunities and threats for indigenous peoples arising from the various greenhouse gas emission strategies that are currently in place and will potentially come into operation to mitigate the impacts of climate change and requests that this assessment be undertaken with the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples around the world.

Area of Work: Environment
Paragraph Number: 34
Session: 4 (2005)
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The Forum recommends that FAO and the Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development Initiative work further on the development of cultural indicators for identifying priorities and criteria and methodologies for the right to food and food security, with the participation of indigenous peoples, taking into account the protection and restoration of indigenous peoples' traditional food systems and their agrobiodiversity and associated traditional knowledge and livelihoods. The threats to sustaining such systems, such as monoculture cash crop production, mineral extraction, environmental contamination and genetically modified seeds and technology, should be addressed.

Area of Work: Environment, Culture