The Forum notes that indigenous peoples are increasingly confronted with issues and problems related to more urban characteristics, such as access to adequate housing, services and infrastructure in human settlements. It therefore invites Governments and local authorities to adopt policies and take necessary measures to meet the changing needs of indigenous peoples within the global process of the urban/rural dynamics and continuum. The Forum also recommends that United Nations agencies, funds and programmes increase their focus on this global trend and take actions in their respective areas of work so as to positively affect indigenous peoples. It recommends that the United Nations system, especially the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, submit a report on policies and programmes in this area to the Forum, and to participate in a dialogue with the Forum at its third session.
The Permanent Forum recognizes the particular concerns of African indigenous youth, who are striving against political, social and economic challenges, poverty, marginalization and a lack of capacity development and employment. The Permanent Forum calls upon, among others, the Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union, including the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, to provide adequate capacity-building programmes and opportunities to enable African indigenous youth, women and persons with disabilities to engage meaningfully with States and other key development players, including by organizing and sponsoring attendance at training sessions, conferences and other forums on indigenous issues.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the Division for the Advancement of Women of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs guarantee the participation of indigenous women during the 15-year review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action at the fifty-fourth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, in 2010.