Furthermore, based on this plan and considering the contributions of FAO to the fight for the eradication of hunger and food insecurity and the implementation of sustainable agriculture and rural development, as well as the FAO contribution to indigenous rights through the adoption of the international treaty on genetic resources and the voluntary guidelines on the right to food, the Forum recommends that FAO consider the development of operational guidelines on indigenous peoples and a framework tool for the promotion of indigenous rights and sustainable rural development in the framework of the goals that emerged from the World Food Summit and the World Food Summit five years later, as well as those that emerged from other international conferences, summits and conventions which are relevant to indigenous peoples
The Forum takes note of the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people to the Commission on Human Rights submitted in 2005 (E/CN.4/2005/88), the report of a seminar on education and indigenous peoples organized by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNESCO held in Paris (E/CN.4/2005/88/Add.4), on a workshop on higher education and indigenous peoples in Costa Rica in 1999 (E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/1999/5) and the minimum standards for education in emergencies, chronic crises and early reconstruction developed by the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergency, and underlines that their recommendations should be promoted through good practices throughout the United Nations system and broadly to all Member States