The Forum recommends:
(a) That the appropriate agencies, including those engaged in development activities, consider the protection of sacred species;
(b) That UNESCO focus attention on the ratification of the Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage and on its effective implementation at national levels;
(c) That UNESCO explore the links between the protection of tangible cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage and sacred sites and other related UNESCO instruments with a view to broadening, strengthening and streamlining the protection of (indigenous) cultural heritage;
(d) That UNESCO facilitate the participation of both the Forum and indigenous peoples’ representatives in all relevant meetings of interest to them;
(e) Noting that the current UNESCO endangered languages programme seeks only to record endangered (indigenous) languages, that UNESCO expand its endangered languages programme to record, revive and reintroduce indigenous languages, in cooperation with indigenous peoples. This should include projects that support training in and teaching of indigenous languages at the community level.
The Forum calls on all relevant United Nations system and other intergovernmental entities to pay special attention to the human rights and concerns of indigenous peoples, in particular indigenous women, when designing, implementing and evaluating their policies and programmes, and to promote the meaningful participation of indigenous women. In particular, the relation of indigenous women’s issues to the design, implementation and evaluation of programmes, in the context of the 10-year review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action on Human Rights and the United Nations Millennium Declaration, needs to be addressed.