The Permanent Forum recommends that States formally recognize shifting cultivation as a traditional occupation for indigenous peoples that is closely related to their social and cultural identity and integrity and take effective measures to stop all discriminatory acts targeted at indigenous peoples’ practice of shifting cultivation in line with the provisions of ILO Conventions Nos. 169 and 111, ILO Recommendation No. 104 and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, including through the delineation and the titling of the territories and lands concerned.
The Forum urges the Global Alliance For Vaccination Initiatives (GAVI) to sponsor a workshop and also urges UNDP to co-sponsor a workshop to expand global programmes for immunization and vaccination of indigenous women and children and to assess the need for safety protocols relating thereto. The Permanent Forum recommends that its focal point in health and a representative of the Indigenous Peoples’ Caucus on Health be invited to attend and be provided the means to participate.