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Paragraph Number: 80
Session: 3 (2004)
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The Forum recommends that the World Conservation Union Congress, to be held in November 2004 in Bangkok, endorse the recommendations on indigenous peoples and protected areas, as well as other relevant recommendations (such as on sacred sites) adopted by the Fifth World Parks Congress. It should also emphasize the need for the recognition of community conserved areas and indigenous peoples’ protected areas, the need for the full respect for indigenous peoples’ rights and the need for indigenous peoples’ free prior informed consent to be obtained before the declaration or in the management of any protected area which may affect them.

Area of Work: Environment
Paragraph Number: 80
Session: 12 (2013)
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The Permanent Forum recalls General Assembly resolution 66/296 and recommends that the President of the sixty-eighth session of the Assembly organize an informal interactive hearing, back-to-back with, but separate from, the thirteenth session of the Forum. This will ensure that those representatives of indigenous peoples who are attending the Forum are also able to participate in the informal interactive hearing without the need to return to New York at a later date and incur further travel and other related expenditures.

Area of Work: Methods of Work