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Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 65
Session: 11 (2012)
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The Permanent Forum recommends that States formally recognize shifting cultivation as a traditional occupation for indigenous peoples that is closely related to their social and cultural identity and integrity and take effective measures to stop all discriminatory acts targeted at indigenous peoples’ practice of shifting cultivation in line with the provisions of ILO Conventions Nos. 169 and 111, ILO Recommendation No. 104 and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, including through the delineation and the titling of the territories and lands concerned.

Area of Work: Culture, Economic and Social Development

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 39
Session: 16 (2017)
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The Permanent Forum encourages States to continue cooperating with indigenous peoples to develop fair, transparent and effective mechanisms for the repatriation of ceremonial objects and human remains, at the national and international levels.

Area of Work: Culture
Paragraph Number: 61
Session: 11 (2012)
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The Permanent Forum recommends Member States and United Nations agencies to include indigenous peoples in the activities programmed to commemorate the International Year of Quinoa.

Area of Work: Culture
Paragraph Number: 24
Session: 9 (2010)
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The Permanent Forum calls upon UNESCO, the Secretariat of the Conference on Biological Diversity, UNDP, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund, the World Intellectual Property Organization and the United Nations Development Group to support indigenous peoples in their process of cultural heritage restoration and strengthening. This process should be guided by indigenous peoples in order to avoid the misuse and distortion of indigenous peoples’ culture, practices and knowledge and to respect their perspectives and aspirations.

Area of Work: Culture

Addressee: United Nations

Paragraph Number: 15
Session: 9 (2010)
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The Permanent Forum also calls on the United Nations to ensure the active participation of indigenous peoples at the High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, to be held in September 2010.

Area of Work: Cooperation, Methods of Work

Addressee: PFII, SPFII

Paragraph Number: 115
Session: 9 (2010)
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The Permanent Forum decides to appoint Michael Dodson and Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Members of the Permanent Forum, as Special Rapporteurs to organize and undertake a technical review of the proposed international regime on access and benefit-sharing, as recommended in paragraph 48 (i) of the report of the international expert group meeting on the international regime on access and benefit-sharing and indigenous peoples’ human rights of the Convention on Biological Diversity (E/C.19/2007/8).

Area of Work: Cooperation, Environment

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 122
Session: 11 (2012)
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The Permanent Forum welcomes the progress made in operationalization of the United Nations Indigenous Peoples’ Partnership, a joint venture of the United Nations agencies, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNDP, ILO, UNICEF and UNFPA at the regional and country levels, in partnership with indigenous peoples, and reiterates its support to its work, firmly believing that it is critical to the implementation of the Declaration at the country level. The Forum also welcomes the contributions of the Governments of Denmark and Finland to the Partnership and calls upon States Members of the United Nations and others to support the work of the Partnership.

Area of Work: Cooperation

Addressee: UN System

Paragraph Number: 72
Session: 16 (2017)
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The Permanent Forum welcomes the first indigenous media zone, established at the sixteenth session of the Forum, and encourages the continuation of this initiative at future sessions, in cooperation with indigenous community media, and, where possible, encourages United Nations entities to continue collaboration with indigenous community media at the regional and national levels.

Area of Work: Capacity Building, Communications

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 12
Session: 16 (2017)
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The Permanent Forum urges all States to substantially increase the human, financial and technical resources made available to implement the Declaration, in accordance with article 39 thereof, and to overcome the remaining gaps between the formal recognition of indigenous peoples and the implementation of their rights.

Area of Work: Capacity Building