ITU: online training course in Innovative Communication Tools: updated and redesigned to include a module on emergency communications and pandemic situation, designed for indigenous communicators.
ILO: developed a distance learning course on Convention No. 169 and its role for inclusive and sustainable development.
SCBD: Secretariat participated in one of the modules in the Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations: Project Access (Online self-paced course, by UNDP and Tribal Link Foundation).
UN Women Mexico: co-hosted special session on "climate change and indigenous and Afro-descendant women" & with partners: rolled out a certified course on "Woman, Land and Territory: Challenges for the participation and representation of indigenous women in agrarian nuclei "for indigenous women & Avancemos por la Igualdad”: economic empowerment of women in communities affected by the 2017 earthquake in Mexico City and Juchitán de Zaragoza (indigenous population represents more than 90% of the population).
UNICEF Cambodia: support of five year-action plan on Multilingual Education 2019-23 (Cambodian Indigenous People Association contributed), review of existing learning and teaching materials in Indigenous languages, development of a Multilingual Education professional Course.
DGC: maintenance of public and university libraries with indigenous issues.
UNESCO: Participation in the construction of the methodological framework of the Universidad de las Lenguas Indígenas de México (ULIM).
Four studies involving four universities and with wide participation of indigenous people to identify the use of indigenous languages in Chile and the needs for literacy and education services in Aymara, Quechua, Colla, Likanantay, Diaguita, Mapuche, Kaweskar and Yagan languages.