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Addressee: General Assembly

Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 5 (2006)
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The Permanent Forum expresses its appreciation to the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) for its training programme established to enhance the conflict prevention and peacebuilding capacities of indigenous peoples’ representatives, which has provided outstanding training for 270 indigenous representatives since 2000, and recommends that this important programme be supported henceforth through the regular budget of the United Nations.

Area of Work: Conflict Prevention and Peace

Addressee: UNESCO

Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 10 (2011)
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The Permanent Forum welcomes the initiative of UNESCO, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) to review current procedures and capacity to ensure free, prior and informed consent, and the protection of indigenous peoples’ livelihoods, tangible and intangible heritage. During this review process, it would be advisable to review the inconsistency of approaches to natural world heritage and cultural world heritage. The Permanent Forum makes itself available to assist in the review and revision of UNESCO operational guidelines with regard to nominations and site assessments. The Permanent Forum further recommends that UNESCO invite indigenous peoples’ representatives and experts to contribute to deliberations on and recommended changes to procedures and operational guidelines.

Area of Work: Culture

Addressee: ECLAC

Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 2 (2003)
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The Forum recommends inviting the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and other regional commissions to present a report of their activities concerning the situation of indigenous peoples and poverty in Latin America.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development
Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 8 (2009)
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The Permanent Forum calls upon the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs to publish a comprehensive report on the state of indigenous peoples, similar to the Human Development Report, to mark the Decade.

Area of Work: Economic and Social Development
Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 13 (2014)
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The Permanent Forum acknowledges the efforts and initiatives of States and United Nations agencies to promote mother-tongue based multilingual education, develop health programmes and provide skills to indigenous children and youth. In this regard, the Forum encourages States and United Nations agencies to increase their efforts in a targeted and wide-scale manner to respond to the needs and priorities of indigenous children and youth, especially in the areas of education and health, in a manner that is culturally sensitive and ensures their overall well-being consistent with articles 11, 14, 41 and 42 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Area of Work: Education
Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 16 (2017)
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Recalling paragraph 86 of its report on its eighth session (E/2009/43-E/C.19/2009/14), the Permanent Forum urges public and private education institutions to provide permanent positions for indigenous teachers and to establish scholarships designated exclusively for indigenous students.

Area of Work: Education

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 4 (2005)
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In approaching Millennium Development Goal 2, "Achieve universal primary education: ensure that all boys and girls complete primary school", especially for indigenous children, the Forum recalls the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, the International Charter of Traditional Games and Sports and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Convention against Discrimination in Education

Area of Work: Education, MDGs

Addressee: EMRIP, IASG

Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 7 (2008)
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The Permanent Forum urges the Human Rights Council expert mechanism on indigenous peoples to evaluate whether existing and proposed climate change policies and projects adhere to the standards set by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. These bodies, together with the members of the Inter-Agency Support Group for Indigenous Issues, should collaborate with States, multilateral bodies, donors and indigenous peoples to effectively ensure that the implementation of the Declaration is central to the design and implementation of climate change policies and programmes.

Area of Work: Environment

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 17 (2018)
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"The Permanent Forum expresses considerable concern with the disparity
between indigenous and national maternal mortality rates in many countries and encourages Member States to incorporate an intercultural approach to sexual and reproductive health services and promoting the inclusion of indigenous health workers. The Permanent Forum invites Member States to seek the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and other relevant agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system in taking forward this recommendation and in strengthening the disaggregation of data by ethnicity, in the area of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, in the 2020 census round to strengthen the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."

Area of Work: Health

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 3 (2004)
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In the spirit of the special theme of its third session, "indigenous women", the Forum recognizes that the instruments relating to human rights, including the fundamental rights of indigenous women and girls, have been elaborated. Nevertheless, indigenous women continue to be one of the most marginalized groups in many countries, being victims of serious acts of discrimination and flagrant violations of their fundamental rights. The continuing gap between the proclamation and the implementation of human rights is largely due to the lack of commitment on the part of Governments to fully promote and protect those rights, as well as to the lack of awareness of human rights and fundamental freedoms in society, including at the community level.

Area of Work: Human rights

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 12 (2013)
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The Permanent Forum is alarmed by the continuing acts of violence being perpetrated against indigenous peoples by Member States and others. The Forum therefore acknowledges the need for States to establish a monitoring mechanism to address violence against indigenous peoples, including assassinations, assassination attempts and rapes, and intimidation of indigenous peoples in their attempts to safeguard and use their homelands and territories that transcend national borders, including the non recognition of their membership identification and documents and the criminalization of their related activities. Specific attention must be paid to such actions being perpetrated by State and local police, the military, law enforcement institutions, the judiciary and other State-controlled institutions against indigenous peoples.

Area of Work: Human rights

Addressee: Member States

Paragraph Number: 41
Session: 9 (2010)
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The Permanent Forum recommends that States implement the principles contained in General Comment No. 21 (2009) of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on article 15, paragraph 1 (a), of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights regarding the right of everyone to take part in cultural life. In its interpretation of the article, the Committee takes into account the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It consequently distinguishes the right of indigenous peoples to take part in their own culture from the same right as it applies to minorities. This distinction is made in particular as a result of the extension of the concept of indigenous culture to material aspects such as territories and resources.

Area of Work: Human rights, Culture