The Permanent Forum recommends that UNDP further engage indigenous peoples in the discussion regarding the concept of human development and in the elaboration of its Human Development Reports. The UNDP concept of human development and its work to promote such a paradigm should be more strongly founded on human rights principles and therefore on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. With regard to indigenous peoples, this means recognizing the principles of self-determination, independent development and other peoples’ rights. Thus, national, regional and global UNDP Human Development Reports should reflect indigenous peoples’ views of development from the perspective and with the participation of indigenous peoples themselves.
The Permanent Forum once again reiterates its concern that reports developed and presented by many States on the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and poverty reduction strategy papers still do not adequately include and address indigenous peoples, nor do they include their participation, and it therefore calls on States to rectify this situation and on United Nations agencies to support their efforts. Furthermore, the Forum encourages the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to integrate indigenous peoples’ issues into the global, regional, national and local human development reports, and in particular to include indigenous experts in preparing those reports and to guarantee that indigenous peoples’ issues are mainstreamed in them.
The Forum, taking into account that States recognized the vital role of indigenous peoples in sustainable development at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, calls upon the United Nations system, other intergovernmental organizations and Governments to establish processes of meaningful participation and partnership with indigenous communities in those processes, including within the context of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework and the poverty reduction strategy papers of the World Bank. The Forum recommends, through the Economic and Social Council, that all States, organs and agencies of the United Nations take into account the Kimberley Declaration adopted by the Summit of Indigenous Peoples on Sustainable Development, held in the territory of the Khoi-San People from 20 to 23 August 2002, as well as the Plan of Implementation of Indigenous Peoples on Sustainable Development, when States begin to implement the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. The Permanent Forum, through the Economic and Social Council, invites United Nations agencies, bodies, funds and programmes to identify areas of work within their mandates for collaborative implementation with indigenous peoples’ Kimberly proposals, taking into account the report of the Commission on Sustainable Development on its eleventh session and the multi-year programme of work of the Commission, for the further implementation of Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation as well as the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals.
The Permanent Forum invites the World Trade Organization to prepare an analysis of the ways in which indigenous peoples are affected by and included in international trade agreements and treaties, and to present it to the Permanent Forum at its twenty-third session, to be held in 2024.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the decision by FAO to observe an International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists in 2026 and encourages Member States to support the participation of indigenous peoples in events leading up to the year.
The Permanent Forum calls upon the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs to publish a comprehensive report on the state of indigenous peoples, similar to the Human Development Report, to mark the Decade.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the dialogues to support indigenous peoples’ preparations for the United Nations Food Systems Summit. The Forum requests Member States and the secretariat of the Summit to guarantee the participation of indigenous peoples at the Summit with a view to ensuring due reflection of indigenous peoples’ rights and issues in the relevant outcome documents.
The Forum recommends that the United Nations system continue its advocacy work on indigenous connectivity in preparation for phase II of the World Summit on the Information Society, to be held in 2005, taking into account the Declaration of the Global Forum of Indigenous Peoples and the Information Society and the Programme of Action. The Forum supports and applauds the decision taken by the Summit to establish multi-stakeholder portals that allow communication between indigenous peoples at the national level.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the Government of Paraguay should remain firm in its commitment to cooperating with indigenous peoples’ organizations in order to find emergency solutions to the extremely serious situation of the indigenous communities that have been wholly dispossessed of their land, and to implement policies to ensure the reconstitution of their territory.
The Forum notes with concern the unsatisfactory implementation of the World Bank’s policy on indigenous peoples, as documented by many of the Bank’s internal reviews, most notably the 2011 internal review report and the 2010 report by the Independent Evaluation Group, Safeguards and Sustainability Policies in a Changing World. Strict adherence to safeguards of indigenous peoples’ rights is necessary. The Forum recommends that efforts be directed towards compliance machinery within the Bank, both up front, when dealing with projects and design and approval processes, and in post-project enforcement mechanisms.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the Statistical Commission and the United Nations Statistics Division use the System of Environmental-Economic Accounts in the development of a coherent and integrated set of indicators for monitoring the situation and well-being of indigenous peoples and the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
The Permanent Forum notes that the Constitutional Court of Guatemala issued ruling No. 2112-2016 of 24 October 2017 on indigenous peoples’ intellectual collective property. The Permanent Forum urges Guatemala to comply with the ruling and to adopt laws and policies, respecting the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples.