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Paragraph #8Session #10 (2011)

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The Permanent Forum welcomes the report of the technical expert group meeting on indicators, mechanisms and data for assessing the implementation of indigenous peoples’ rights, held in Geneva in September 2010 by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the secretariat of the Permanent Forum. The report sets out important principles and guidance for further work. The Permanent Forum recommends that the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues and, in particular, ILO, OHCHR and the secretariat of the Permanent Forum continue their work to develop a common framework for monitoring the situation and well-being of indigenous peoples and the implementation of the Declaration, including the identification of indigenous-appropriate indicators, possible data sources and linkages to relevant mechanisms. The process should be taken forward in a collaborative manner with other interested institutions, ensuring full consultation and participation of indigenous peoples.


In the report on its 2011 annual meeting, the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues (IASG) stated that one of the main substantive sessions dealt with indicators.OHCHR, on behalf of ILO and of SPFII, informed of the need to keep track of the advancement of the Declaration through the construction of an integrated assessment framework.These agencies are constructing a conceptual and methodological framework on indicators designed to capture implementation through structural, process and outcome indicators.There was agreement on the need to take this work forward.OHCHR also mentioned that it is preparing a publication on indicators for indigenous peoples.CBD is operationalizing indicators that are relevant and adapted to land tenure, traditional languages and traditional occupations. The meeting discussed also: the need to carry out informed dialogues on data collection and indicators for indigenous peoples through which to work on achieving common goals that would lead to the harmonization of concepts and criteria for the better achievement of intercultural objectives; the need that States institutionalize the integration of indigenous peoples in national statistical processes and monitoring systems; the need to revise the MDGs indicators so that they reflected the realities of indigenous peoples, through non-income specific indicators, where poverty is examined using a human rights lens, recognizing both collective and individual human rights; the need for pertinent indicators through which to assess the progress in achieving the MDGs among indigenous peoples as well as for promoting policies, procedures and guidelines in UN agencies designed to address the specific development needs of indigenous peoples. Participants to the meeting recommended to continue to develop indicators relevant to indigenous peoples, such as those under the human rights indicator framework that is being developed, with the aim of measuring success of relevant programmes and policies.

Final Report of UNPFII Session 10 (2011)