The Permanent Forum reiterates its calls to Member States and international organizations to include Indigenous Peoples actively in policymaking forums and development agendas. This inclusion should extend to negotiations and management forums under multilateral environment agreements and other relevant platforms and processes focusing on issues affecting Indigenous Peoples and where their voices and knowledge guarantee significant contributions and outcomes for global sustainable development and the health of global ecosystems.
The Permanent Forum calls upon the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP and other entities of the United Nations system to develop programmes and projects that support and build the capacity of indigenous women in Africa in order to empower them economically and socially. A good practice in this regard is strengthening the entrepreneurship of indigenous women and facilitating their access to formal markets and financial institutions for their activities. The Forum also encourages States to develop affirmative actions that are aimed at actively including indigenous women in decision-making at all levels and at ensuring that indigenous women’s voices are equally represented in economic, social and political decision-making processes.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the invitation from the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region, the public chamber of the Russian Federation and the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East (RAIPON) to hold an international meeting in the city of Salekhard, from 1 to 4 July 2007, dedicated to the study of experiences of interaction between indigenous peoples and the private sector, and expresses its appreciation for this invitation. The Permanent Forum also calls upon other States to follow the example of the Russian Federation.
The Forum renews the recommendation made at its first session on the need to create a three-year working group on free, prior informed consent and participatory research guidelines, under the aegis of the Forum, with funding from the regular budget that includes a focus on how the guidelines relate to the protection of indigenous knowledge and natural resources.
The Permanent Forum recommends that WHO and FAO, together with the Inter‑agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues, promote dialogue forums at the national and regional levels between government ministries and indigenous peoples to establish culturally relevant strategies for addressing the epidemiological risks and the food and environmental crises resulting from the pandemic, as well as for addressing access to justice and the safeguarding of indigenous peoples’ territorial control.
The Permanent Forum recommends that UNDP further engage indigenous peoples in the discussion regarding the concept of human development and in the elaboration of its Human Development Reports. The UNDP concept of human development and its work to promote such a paradigm should be more strongly founded on human rights principles and therefore on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. With regard to indigenous peoples, this means recognizing the principles of self-determination, independent development and other peoples’ rights. Thus, national, regional and global UNDP Human Development Reports should reflect indigenous peoples’ views of development from the perspective and with the participation of indigenous peoples themselves.
The Permanent Forum recommends to Member States that the development agenda beyond 2015 recognize indigenous peoples’ right to self-determination, autonomy and self-governance, together with their right to determine their own priorities for their development, to participate in governance and policy decision-making processes at the local, national, regional and international levels and to develop mechanisms for consultation and participation of indigenous peoples, building on the fundamental right to free, prior and informed consent and full participation in the development process. The role of the United Nations country teams in that respect is crucial.
The Permanent Forum recommends that the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) convene platforms of dialogue with countries, United Nations agencies and private sector actors to find solutions to improve the economic empowerment of indigenous peoples consistent with their cultural identity and diversity, as well as sustainable and equitable development. The Forum also recommends that specific indicators pertaining to the well-being of indigenous peoples be systematically adopted in IFAD-funded projects implemented in accordance with article 41 of the Declaration.
The Forum urges international donor agencies, regional organizations and States to incorporate indigenous people’s issues in the formulation of sector policies for development cooperation and to address indigenous peoples’ issues in their joint development programmes and projects to ensure that indigenous peoples and their issues are effectively mainstreamed into their work.