The Forum urges international donor agencies, regional organizations and States to incorporate indigenous people’s issues in the formulation of sector policies for development cooperation and to address indigenous peoples’ issues in their joint development programmes and projects to ensure that indigenous peoples and their issues are effectively mainstreamed into their work.
IADB - Inter-American Development Bank reports that in the last two years, and as a result of increasingly demand-driven and participatory approaches to project design, a new generation of territorially focused integrated community development projects is emerging that aim at empowering indigenous communities to play the lead role in planning, designing and executing their development priorities in a way that is environmentally sustainable and socioculturally appropriate. The emphasis of these programs on participatory planning, capacity-building, empowerment, consensus-building and negotiation are seen to be consistent with indigenous peoples' rights to, and demands for, greater control over their resources and their future, and increased participation in the economic and political life of their countries.
IFAD - The International Fund for Agricultural Development is carrying out a number of initiatives to address indigenous peoples' issues in their joint development programs and projects. Among them is IFAD's grant to the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum to undertake in-depth case studies of IFAD-financed projects to identify best practices on how development projects can help strengthen indigenous peoples' own perspectives and practices of development in order to reach the Millennium Development Goals.