The Permanent Forum welcomes the organization by the Sami Parliament of Norway of the Global Indigenous Preparatory Conference for the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, held in Alta, Norway from 10 to 12 June 2013. Member States, the United Nations system and indigenous peoples are urged to consider the Alta Outcome Document (A/67/994, annex) as the basis for consultations on the elaboration of the outcome document of the high-level plenary meeting/World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.
United Nations agencies involved in data-collection processes regarding the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 2 should develop indicators relevant for indigenous peoples that capture their specificities including languages, culture, values and worldviews.
The Permanent Forum recommends to the President of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly the continuation of the practice, established during the sixty-sixth session of the Assembly, of appointing a State representative and an indigenous peoples’ representative to conduct inclusive informal consultations on his behalf in order to build consensus on the themes of the round table and panel discussions and the content of the outcome document of the World Conference, as well as to ensure the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in the process.
The Permanent Forum recommends that joint regional and/or thematic preparatory conferences, workshops or other events be organized with the support of Member States, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes and indigenous peoples, with the full participation of indigenous peoples and Member States, as well as the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and the Permanent Forum.
The Permanent Forum welcomes the efforts of the indigenous Global Coordinating Group to respond to the request of the President of the General Assembly as its sixty-eighth session, which concluded with the nomination of two indigenous advisers. The Forum urges the President of the sixty-eighth session to formalize their designation so as to start the consultation process on the high-level plenary meeting/World Conference on Indigenous Peoples as soon as possible, by June.