The Permanent Forum recommends that the Secretary-General, in his report on the study of violence against women, address the particular situation of indigenous women and girls whose suffering is based not only on gender but also on ethnicity and culture.
(a) In the in-depth study of the Secretary-General on all forms of violence against women (A/61/122/Add.1), which the Division prepared and presented to the General Assembly at its sixty-first session, the issue of violence against indigenous women is discussed. The International Indigenous Women’s Forum, associated with MADRE, an international human rights organization focusing on women’s rights, was an active member of the task force set up by the Division as part of the preparation of the study. (b) In October 2006, the Chief of the Women’s Rights Section of the DAW participated in a panel discussion on violence against indigenous women. The discussion was organized by the SPFII, MADRE and the International Indigenous Women’s Forum. The report, entitled “Mairin Iwanka Raya, indigenous women stand against violence”, was issued as a companion piece to the in-depth study of the Secretary-General on all forms of violence against women.