FAO: supported Indigenous Peoples and their involvement in the UN Food Systems Summit, including 25 UNFSS Summit Dialogues, 3 exchanges of knowledge with the Scientific Group and Action Track technical committees of the UNFSS, and assisted the delegation of 13 Indigenous representatives during the UNFSS Pre-Summit who participated in 14 sessions.
Indigenous Peoples’ regional dialogues in North America and the Arctic in preparation for the UNFSS, resulting in the North American statement and Arctic declaration.
Contributions from Indigenous Peoples’ food systems to Action Track 2 and the shift to healthy and sustainable consumption patterns, 7 April 2021 FAO PSUI organized a technical exchange of knowledge between the GlobalHub on Indigenous Peoples' Food Systems and Action Track 2 of the UN Food Systems Summit. The objective was to discuss the main findings from the ongoing research on Indigenous Peoples’ food systems, providing key proposals to support Action Track 2 on Healthy and Sustainable consumption patterns.
Contributions from Indigenous Peoples’ food systems to Action Track 1 and ensuring access to safe and nutritious food for all, 18 May 2021. FAO PSUI organized the technical discussion between experts of the GlobalHub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems and the technical committee of the Action Track 1 of the UN Food Systems Summit. During this exchange of knowledge the Global-Hub experts provided feedback and inputs on the proposed game-changing solutions presented by Action Track 1. The technical discussion resulted in key recommendations and inputs of “game-changing” nature from Global-Hub experts to support the work of Action Track 1. Specifically on expanded social protection, access to crop diversity, protection of Indigenous Peoples’ seed knowledge, intercultural perspectives for food system transformation, and intercultural co-creation of knowledge.
First Arctic Indigenous Peoples' Regional Dialogue on Food Systems, 3-4 June 2021, The Inuit Circumpolar Council, Saami Council, FAO PSUI, and UNPFII co-organized the first regional dialogue with Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic in preparation for the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit and Summit. The objective of the session was to identify contributions, key messages, and “game-changing” solutions from Arctic Indigenous Peoples to inform the sustainable food systems debate. This was one of the dialogues organized by and for Indigenous Peoples to advance their inputs and engagement in the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit. The dialogue resulted in the Arctic Region Declaration in Preparation for the Global Food Systems Summit. The full report can be found here.
Second Listening Session: Recommendations from North American Indigenous Peoples towards the UN Food Systems Summit, 28 May 2021. Indigenous representatives from North America who had attended the first regional dialogue of the December 2020 High-level Expert seminar organized by FAO and the UNPFII, reconvened now to consolidate actionable recommendations from Canada and United States to the UN Food Systems Summit. The recommendations were organized around the five action tracks and emphasized the importance of Indigenous leadership and expertise in all mechanisms and proposals from the UN Food Systems Summit. Full report here.
Global Indigenous Youth Forum. June 2021. In accordance with this UNPFII recommendation, the FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit and the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus co-organized, the first bi-annual Global Indigenous Youth Forum. The Forum gathered over 150 indigenous youth from the seven sociocultural regions of the world and resulted in the “Indigenous Youth Declaration on Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems” in English and Spanish. [Further expanded under 2019 Recommendation on Indigenous Peoples’ food system].
Rome UN Food Systems Pre-Summit. July 2021. The FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit supported the delegation of Indigenous leaders that attended the UN Food systems Pre-summit, organized by the Government of Italy and hosted in FAO headquarters. The Indigenous Peoples delegation consisting of 9 delegates in Rome and 4 participating virtually from the different regions, took part in 14 sessions. The main Indigenous Peoples Plenary session “Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems: Game-changing solutions for the world” was opened by one minute of silence in memory of the indigenous youth found dead in boarding schools across the world. The Global-Hub participated in 3 affiliated sessions, out of which one was dedicated to the White/Wiphala paper on Indigenous Peoples’ food systems (organized by FAO and the Global-Hub). The Global-Hub also participated in the People’s parallel Summit.